I am tired.
Thank you for the very loving and kind thoughts
and purrrs. thank you thank you so much.
I love all of you, kitties, beans, doggies, rabbits, birdies
I love all of you very very very much.
pleeeease never forget that
All of you are treasured friends, and have made my life so great.
Mom is taking care of me. I know I am loved very much. I am happy and a purr a lot.
Mom is taking care of me all day.
and when I am tired, I lay in the sun
I am waiting for Blizzie. She needs to come home to me.
Sweet Princess Girl, you let your moms soft hands hold you and get lots of kisses.
You are all in our thoughts.
Big gentle hugs and purrs
Julie and Poppy Q
Princess, you are such a lucky kitty and so loved by your mom. I'm purring really hard for you to get well soon.
Jake the red tabby.
We love you and will be sending you some of our strength in our purs and prayers...
Hi My Princess
I purr... for you the whole day
and I 'm very happy that you are eating.
You are a good girl and we love you very much :-)
Hugs Love
Kareltje =^.^=
Dearest Princess, it is okay to be tired. Relax and soak up all the love you get from your family and brofur. We'll be thinking of you these days.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
My dearest loving Princess sister,
I always love you.
And always sending me prayers for you.
I hope Blizzie coming home as soon as possible.
My beloved deliCAT curly sister! I see so much of myself in you. Loved and treasured we both are...old we both are...mommy gives me my way all the time now. I am the boss and she needs to get her stuff out of my way. It drives her a little bit crazy but she still does it. I tell about it today on the bloggy. I am still the boss and I hissy fitted Hunny Bunny yesterday too!
Old cat ladies still got it!
You hang in there my precious...I dream about you and how wonderful it is to have you as a sister.
My Darling Dear Friend Prinnie,
I know you are waiting to see your Blizzie - and she will be home soon. You are loved so dearly and deeply, I am glad you can feel the warm purrs and hugs from all over the world.
Love is all we need - but I think you already know that.
Here is a hug from me and a very gentle smoochie ---
(((hug))) Smooch!
Parker and family
oh my dear Princess.. You have beautiful name:) be strong my are in my prayers everyday...
My sweet Princess,
all my purrs and prayers for you.
Thanks so much for your friendship and lovely heart.
God bless you
Princess, I want you to know that I love you, my curly friend!
Nose bumps and hugs Princess, we are happy that you have such a bunderful Mom to take such good care of you!
Andrewbun & Mum
Oh Prinnie, we are going t0 miss you so much. It sounds like you are really enjoying your time in the sun and with your mom.
Your mom loves you, Princess. But you knew that already.
We're glad to see that you're eating, Princess. It's okay to be tired, just get lots of rest and enjoy all of the loving and cuddling and attention.
We're sending purrs and if you need a kitty pile to help keep you warm, we're both happy to cuddle up with you.
Purring, purring, purring,
Charlemagne and Tamar
Miss Princess
You rest and lap up the luxury of having your Mom treat you as the Princess you are.
purrs and hugs
Prinnie, I am certain that Blizzie is running home to you because she knows you need her! I am glad that your Momma is taking such good care of you. It is good to be loved.
You are so loved Princess! We are happy to see that you are eating. Your beloved Blizzie will be home furry soon. We are happy you are enjoying the nice, warm rays of the sun. Stay strong sweetie.
Gentle Purrs for you...
Skeeter, King, Pandora, & Cricket
Dear Prinnie, we know how much you are loved by your Mom and family. We hope your Blizzie is there with you soon. We love you and send soft, warm purrs to you always.
Princess this is our first visit - we saw you are quite sick and wanted to stop by and send you lots of purrs and prayers. Even if we just met, we know from all the love we see for you that you must be a very good girl!
We love you too Princess! We can't wait for blizzie to get home to see you! Hang in there and feel all the love from the blogosphere! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Princess, you do look so very tired. We know your mom is taking good care of you and we hope your Blizzie can come soon so you can purr for both of them.
Sending gentle, healing purrs for Princess...
Hello Pretty Princess !!!!!!!
How we love you ,our dear,sweet friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your Blizzie will be home tomorrow :)
Your Mom is doing such a wonderful job keeping you warm,happy and properly spoiled!
We are so lucky to have you in our life. We love you lots too :)
When you sleep, do you dream of Caesar? We think he is watching over you.We all are.
Enjoy the warm sunshine and hear the collective purrs of the Blogosphere:)
Hugs,Purrs and soft headbonkies,
Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Princess, me and Maverick are sending loads of Prayers, purrrrs and grrrs to you!! You are always in our hearts!! We love you!!
Your TX furiends,
Love Finny Buddy & Jazzy
Are you resting sweetly today my beloved sister? I sure an keeping mommy on her toes. She is not in control of the cozy cottage front parlor...I AM! It drives her nuts!
Each day is a precious be resting in the sunshine, bathed in the love of ones family, knowing who waits above for us one special day to welcome us home into the lap we have dreamed about all our nine lives...ahhhh that is such a comforting thought.
I love you....
Sweet little Princess, rest up and soak up the love. We are sending you purrs of calm and peace and wellbeing and love.
Love to your momma too and ((((hugs)))))
Sweet Princess, it's fine to be tired when you have lived a long and beautiful life. It's good to lie in the sun and purr to your Mom. Blizzie will be home soon. These are precious days to be lived bathed in love.
We send you rumbly loving purrs
Whicky Wuudler
& Mum.
we love you
Sweet Princess, you had a long and happy life full of love, you can rest now dear kitty.
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