Friday, January 28, 2011

Sleepy Friday

bronk zzzZZzzzz
bronk zzzZZzzzz bronk

bonkbonk zzzzzZZZzzzZZ


Oh hey! Thanks for coming to my birthday party
It was very fun and I am so glad that you are our friends!

Happy Friday and have a fun sun-filled bronkie week-end

Only those who risk going too far
can possibly find out
how far one can go!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

My very first Mancat birthday party!

welcome to my birthday party, kitties
I am so happy you are here!!

We have a lot of snacks and drinks
toona joose:

help yourselves please, or my daddy will serve you,
he is the guy over there in the apron.:::points paw to the left:::

Lookie, shrimpies

and crab rolls

cheese puffffs

and BEEF!

lookie: we have live music
a local sensation
"The HousePets"
Sportie the beagle
plays the saxaphone
(He lives down the street, pees on grass and kicks it around)

These three girls live next door,
they like to sing a lot
Carly, Nikki and Lola

and an amazing prodigy,
Puffy, at the piano

and for dessert:
salmon cuppiecakes
with real whippie cream

and homemade
catnip crunch cookies

you can play with all of our toys

and use our scratch postie
actually, you can scratch on our carpets, mom doesn't even care!

and play in our box fort

take a nap in here

romp around and through our box fort!

you can use our litter box. we put it
under daddy's work desk

for privacy
and put your barf
over here please

you can get a drink
out of this fancy fountain

when you have to go home, please
take take along a nip toy or three

We are so glad to have you at our house
it is going to be a very fun day!

We don't stop playing
because we grow old;
we grow old
because we stop playing.

- George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Party invite Wednesday

Miles: Here I am, a tiny little kitten
I was still living with my mommie Curlyswirly Coco and Missie SwirlieTeri
and all of my cousins, brothers and uncles and Aunties
Then my brother Pierro was excited for me to come and live with him

here I am in my own room
right here at my new forever family last May!

Please come to my party tomorrow
I am gonna be ONE year old and I will be an official MANCAT

Happiness is having a scratch
for every itch.

- Ogden Nash

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Mancat and Canmat-in-Braining

This is the very last canmat-in-braining Monday for
my huge little brother Miles. He will be one year old on Thursday
He will be officially a mancat!

YAY. I have been practicing being a mancat. In the beginning it was hard
but now I am good at it.

I am gonna have a big party on Thursday. Please come on over
for fun and yummy treats!! I will show you how I can walk on the stair railing upstairs too. Then maybe you can try it before mom discovers us and starts yelling a lot and squirting water!

bronkiebonks for a happy Monday to all of you!!

If everything seems to be going well,
you have obviously overlooked something.

- Anonymous