Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whitecat Wednesday

Hey kitties!
I hope all of you are well and happy.
Life has been a blur of activity here and it has been hard to get mom to help me blog, but here I am.

I need heavy duty purrrs for Friday... I have to go to the vetplace and get tortured.
The vet lady wants to do an xray and ultrasound of my tummy to find out why my poops are sometimes really good and most times kind of not so good.
I hate the vetplace. It is the scariest place I have ever been! It smells terrible there and it is loud and I do not allow touching all over just willy nilly!
I am eating really good and after the vet called yesterday to talk to dad about the latest (I was taking a much needed nap) and then daddy consented to bringing me in on Friday, well, he did not even ask me! So, I woke up and started acting all 12 years old-ish and everything, walking around, climbing on to the couch, and meowing a lot and pretending I was just a youngster perky kitty. so now he feels pretty guilty, as he should, for approving for my torture on Friday.
Then mom came home from her walk and dad told her the plan and she AGREED!

So, I am going to enjoy today and tomorrow.....

"Reality checks are the hardest to cash."


Cezar and Léia said...

oh my sweet, I know VET is very complicate but look for the good side, your mommy and dad only want to see you fine, they are so kind and take good care of you.We all love you so much, you are cute, gentle and kind and all our prayers for you.So...think positive, enjoy today and tomorrow and be very brave next Friday okay!
purrs and love

Karen Jo said...

Definitely enjoy your time before your vet visit, as you should enjoy every day. I hope the vet is kind and gentle with you and doesn't torture you too much.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my beloved sister Princess! You do have a good reason to scream your head off after all!! Guess what? Mommy has to go to the people vet this Friday so she will be thinking about you all the day long. Misery loves company...
Try not to think about this torture too much because this too will pass...
All my very best love, your devoted Peachypie

Parker said...

Oh Prinnie, I am so sorry, but you are so loved that they want you to be all healthy!
I'll be purring for you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, noes! We are sorry you must go to the Vet, Princess, but we are sure that your Mom and Dad only want to make you feel better all of the time. Soft, healing purrs to you, sweet girl.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Princess, we will be purrring very hard for you!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are purring that your vet visit goes well and is not too traumatic.

Tiki & Kesey

The Furry Kids said...

Oh man! That is terrible! We are purring and purraying for you. If you want, you can teleport over and cuddle with Titus. Your white furs will blend in with his white furs and no one will even know that you're here. hee hee


Ingrid said...

Poor Princess ! hope everything will be OK with you according to your high age. Lisa eats like a horse, pees like a cow and poos sometimes quite liquid, but she seems to feel good, so I leave her in peace. It's not every day that it happens. I only wonder how she can do such huge pees ! On the other hand I am happy about it because it means that her kidneys are OK. Wish all the best !

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you do well with the vet! I hate going myself. It's nasty.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Not only that, but reality checks don't pay the bills, either. Hope you make out okay at the vet!

Ariel said...

"Oh" sweet Princess don't worry.I will be keeping my paws crossed that all goes well....Hugs

Daisy said...

Prinnie, I will keep you in my thoughts on Friday!

Debra Taylor said...

I hope the vet finds what's wrong with your bowels.

Check out my blog about a colony of abandoned/feral cats near my home. There will be stories there as time goes on that could inspire and inform anyone you know who wants to help homeless cats.

Would you add me to your blog list?

Thank you,


Anya said...

We think on you,
The vet is not funny I now :(
Take care my sweetie ...
I purrrrr the whole day

Kareltje =^.^=

Anonymous said...

Yes, we agree...the vet sux...the life right out of ya! We are always exhausted after a trip there! Effurything will be fine! Make the most out of today (be REALLY bad!) MOL...

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

honey sarge said to tell you his poops are messed up too. sick sucks...

smiles, auntie bee

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Yoo know what goes in is distinctly related to what comes owt! Good luck wif yur v.e.t. bisit. You'll be back at home afore yoo know it.

Chrissie said...

Prinnie, you'll be fine. It's no fun, true, but it helps you stay healthy and happy, and that's most impawtant. I'll be purrin' for you!