Friday, August 28, 2009

Frootbats and flowers

Princess: ::::helphelphelphelp:::: today is the torture day
please purr for me okay? I hope they do not find something scary in my tummy.
Maybe they will find just an old crunchie stuck to my appendix and take it out and then I will be all better.

Prinnie is going to the vet today... I hope she comes home soon.
I will wait for her in her bed... then I can surprise her

Today is Friday and that means tomorrow is a week-end.
have an orange zinnie kind of day

headbonkies for a happy day!!
here is a good one for Prinnie today meow

Gut instincts prevail
always go with them


Karen Jo said...

Prinnie, I hope and pray that your vet visit will go well and that you will feel better soon. That's a good place to wait for Prinnie, Pierro. I love your orange zinnia.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Prinnie your lemon yellow zinnias you sent me are blooming sooooo pretty in our garden right now.
Take heart dear sister today as I know all will be well and you wil be home again real fast...All my love, your Peachy

Parker said...

Oh Prinnie, you will be in my thoughts today!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Prinnie, we are purrring very very hard for you sweetie.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr


The Furry Kids said...

We are purring and purraying that your tummy is ok, Prinnie.

Pierro, you might not want to surprise Prinnie right when she gets home. ;)


The Furry Kids said...

PS - Mama would love you give you a big smooch between the froot bats, Prinnie. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Prinnie! We will be purraying really hard for you today! Effurrything will be fine! And Pierro is waiting for you to come home and snuggle!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i will purr for you honey and you purr for sarge, okay?

smiles, bee

Anya said...

We purrrr & pray...
for you the whole day :)
Kareltje =^.^=

Daisy said...

Be brave, Prinnie! I am purring my best for you!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you get lots of good news. Let us know when you find out that you are WELL.

Ariel said...

Sweet Prinnie all will be okay.I'm purring for you....Hugs

Ingrid said...

Good luck Prinnie !!

Pierro looks so cute under cover !

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our best purrs for ya, Princess!

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear friends!
So beautiful pictures!
I wish you everything good in our life!
Take care dear friends!
purrs and love