Friday, November 21, 2008

Frootbats on Friday

When Prinnie and I are napping in the sun she is nice to me

I am trying really hard to be a good boy but when she is walking around on her old lady creaky legs that makes me excited that maybe she wants to play

she tells me "stoppit Pierro I just had to get up for a minute"

Please have a happy week-end

"A lie travels halfway around the world
while the truth
is still putting on its shoes."

- Mark Twain


Isis said...

Pierro you can come play with me any time you want! Mummy says I have springs for legs when I get excited... ;)


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I'll send Banshee over, Pierro. She's a firecracker!

Purrs Goldie

Anonymous said...

Pierro you are such a good man cat.. Princess is very lucky to have such a brother.
You are ready to play if she wants and ready to nap when she wants... who could ask for more :))


Parker said...

Here's hoping for sun and fun all weekend for you Pierro!

Monty Q. Kat said...

You can come over here anytime to play!

Ingrid said...

You are a real good boy, Arthur had also to understand that old lady Lisa (17 years too) doesn't want to play anymore and when Rosie approaches she really gets angry and hisses. She sleeps most of the time but still goes out for a little walk in the garden.
I have wonderful holidays here, the Egyptian people are so friendly and the hotel very nice. I enjoy so much to get out of the cold weather and be in warm sunshine at least for 2 weeks !

Lux said...

I'll come play with you, Pierro, and Ninna can come hang out with Princess!

We were looking at a cat book at the vet's office yesterday and read the information about the Cornish Rex. Mom loved the pictures - she had thought about getting a Cornish Rec rather than an Oriental because once at a cat show she was amazed by your breed. She wishes she could touch your coats. :)

The Furry Kids said...

Pierro, me and EG will play with you and Titus and Prinnie can cuddle together and nap.

We hope you guys have a great weekend!


LZ said...

You can come play in our house!!! We all love to run around and bite-play tag.


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I feel for you Princess! Every time I stand up Renna puppy thinks I want to play chase!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello Pretty Princess !!!!! <3
Hi Pierro too :) You are a good brother most of the time Pierro.
When you get the urge to play,you might have to go find your Mom ;)
Princess, it is so nice to see you relaxing in your bed!! You are so pretty and I'm sure your legs don't creak!!!!! (at least not very loud )
Purrs,your friend Mickey

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

From Auntie Stinkie:

Oh Prinnie! "Old lady creaky legs???" You better tell that young whippersnapper Pierro to behave! My stars dearest.. why don't you come take tea with me, and I'll send Iris over to entertain Pierro? Us "old gals" better stick together.

The Meezers or Billy said...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Pierro, you need to be more gentle and let Prinnie have her naps and strolls in peace.

Boy n Beethoven said...

Pierro! Comes plays with me! We can all plays together with the Giant Kitty! He gives awesome whaps!
