
Caesar always liked to climb on to the fridge and up to the top of the cabinets. It was a scary climb for him but he refused to believe that he should stop. Caesar liked to spend cold days up there because there is a heat vent up there.
Here are a few of many names that we called Caesar:
1. Holstein Kitty
2. Cowboy
3. Skunkboy
4. Mr. Peepee
5. Beeberboy
6. Loverboy
7. Love tiger
8. Softieboy
9. Two-tone tiger
10. Caesar puppy
11. Puppy guybert
12. Tigerpoos
Caesar really did not care what you called him. He was always happy and lovable.
Our house is really quiet now. Caesar used to be quite loud. He loved to meeyowl all over the house and he loved to make thundering elephants all by himself.
If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.
~Author Unknown

Dear Princess - you are still calling Caesar at night? We wish we could help you.... The maid had friends with two cats and one had to go to the bridge and the other one called every night for weeks.... they got him a kitten and from the first minute they were totally bonded and still live happily together. I think I told you about them before....
Bach's Rescue Remedy might also help you, the staff took that after Ana's death and gave it to me too.
Now, about 5 month after Anastasia's death the maid only cries one, or two, or three times a week...
I seem to be very happy with Emil, the staff thinks I have forgotten about Anastasia - but that is not true! But I know she is fine at the bridge and someday I'll meet her again.
Purrs to all of you!
I couldn't see the two pictures....
The photo of Caesar on top of the fridge is not loading... but I do remember that picture of him there. I think he was a too proud mancat to stop climbing up there, but on the other hand we cats know very well what we can and cannot...;-)
Love Tiger sounds great!!
I know the poem -- beautifull!
Love, purrs & nose kisses
DKM calls me Holstein kitty also.
It really sounds like he was a lot like Kaze. You can call her anything and she's just as happy as could be. He was such a special kitty friend, we were so blessed to know him.
What Kaze says is so true - we were all blessed to have Caesar as a friend.
I like "Tigerpoos." :)
What a preshus post about Caesar, and I love the pickshures of him! He was a climbur and a jumpur like Dorydoo, and arboreal kitty! And I, like Caesar, love love love to MeeeeeYMAAAAOOOO all ofur the housie and play thunderin herd of ellefants by myself.
Caesar was one of the bestest mancats I efur knew and I will always love him. He will always be my muzzie twin and my wunnerful older furriend and mentor. And Momma smiled at yur nicknames fur him! We Ballicai are sendin lots of love to you, Prinnie, and yur fambly.
Kittyhugs and purrs and love frum MaoMao!
Our hearts ache for you.Caesar 's death has left a huge hole in your household.After each of the guinea pigs died Mommy couldn't stand the silence, either.She wound up getting a new one. Each pet is unique, like every person is unique, but getting another one really stopped her from carrying on so much.As soon as the pigs learned that I was the boss we got along fine.Besides, they are too big to eat.
Those are cool names for Caesar :)
A cool Mancat like Caesar leaves a mighty big hole.It will be a while before it closes to a small hole. We miss him too.
Purrs & Hugs,Mickey
Dear Princess!!!
That is a wonderful post about our friend Caesar. Yes it leaves a big hole but Caesar is always in our hearts.
Prinnie we wish we could help you, but we are so far away...we ca only write and think to you...
Many many hugs and purrs from the German kitties
Thank you for sharing those facts about Caesar. Dragonheart loves to get up high just like Caesar, and Merlin doesn't care what you call him, he is always happy and lovable (except when being bathed). Those are some wonderful nicknames that Caesar had. We consider ourselves very blessed and lucky to have had him as a friend.
Hugs and purrs to you and your mom, Prinnie.
Caesar is such a wonderful kitty fwiend. I shall never forget him too.
Oh Prinnie, I can tell how much your still missing the lovely Caesar... Until I got here Tigmut'hep hardly ever talked, I'm the talker of the family too! :)
Those are very cute names Prinnie! :)
We understand how tuff it must be for you guys to continue to cope with the loss of such an affectionate companion who had been with you for so many years. There is much heart break in this world and the loss of a dear one is above all. Cats leave behind them so much love that it's hard to describe. We hope your sorrow lessens with time.
Sending you lots of love and purrs...
You called Caesar Mr. Peepee? That's all right, I call Emy 'PuPu Tail' or 'Emy Emy PuPu Tail'. She does not seem to care.
I hope you like them [the package], please let me know!
Mr. PeePee doesn't sound like a good thing. We think we are love tigers!
We can't see the pictures either. :-(
hello, dear prinnie and mommie. this is such a hard time. remember that you are wrapped in love.
with big rumbly purrs,
ben & lucy
mom toni
(who can turn on her own purr if you ask nicely)
Princess, thanks for visiting our blog even though you are feeling down. We're glad the vet says you are okay and we wish you and the people all the best and loads of hugs and purrs.
Puppy Guybert??? There has to be a story there!
All of those names are quite sweet, well, I dunno about Mr. Peepee!!
I am sorry that the house seems very quiet. I'm so glad Caesar was my friend, and Prinnie, I'm glad you are my friend too!
I can picture Caesar watching over you from the Bridge, just like in that photo! It is a tribute to Caesar that he brought you so much joy during his lifetime. That would make him proud.
Soft purrs for yall. It's hard to lose such a special guy, but he's keeping an eye on you from the bridge.
Meowms and my heart just break for you. All we can do is hug you from afar and purray.
Thank you for sharing those things about Caesar. I like that he played Thundering Herd of Elephants by himself. I love to do that, too!
We think Holstein Kitty and Two Tone Tiger are super cute. Did he really like being called Mr. PeePee? :)
Lots of purrs and purrayers to you guys. And Momma is sending lots of hugs to your mom.
Princess, what a wonderful post for Caesar! Those were some fun names :-)
It's hard to be without him, we know - but it will get better.
Purrs and hugs to you and your Mommie.
Pearl, Bert and Jake
What a lovely post about Caesar. The poem made mom's eyes leaky.
Those are funny names that Caesar got called. How are you doing Princess? I hope you are beginning to feel a little better. We will purr for you. You are always welcome to come snuggle with me.
Oh Princess, that is a lovely post about Caesar and the picture of him on the cabinets is great! He was very brave to like to be so high! We miss him, too! Lots of (((((hugs))))) and rumbling purrs from all of us at the M-Cat Club! Is is okay to use a picture of Caesar once in a while in a M-Cat Club post with one of the cool quotes?
Mr. Tigger
Today I can see the picture of Caesar on top of the cabinet - so cute!
What a beautiful post about Caesar, Princess. We loved reading all of the nicknames he had and seeing the photo (the one does not load but we realize blooger is being very bad these days - we've had many problems posting photos ourselves). Our mommy and daddy said to say their hearts go out to you and your mommy and ours do, too. We know you miss your beloved boy... We gave you an award, Princess for being such a caring cat - come see!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Prinnie, it was so sweet of you to come visit me when your heart is still hurting so much with missing Caesar. We hurt for you, too, and we'll all keep sending comforting purrs to you and your mommie.
Dearest Prin,
We haz a award fur you when you feelz like pickin' it up. I understand dat dis iz a diffy-cult time, but I wanted you to haz it 'cuz you are such a brave & wunnerful kitty.
PS: da momee loved da nickname fur Caesar: "Holstein!"
Sweet Prinnie, Isis is having her tea party next Tuesday iffen you feel up to some girlycat company and lots of treats! Us boys are having a cat condo warming party in the cat run at the same time! :)
What a heartwarming post about Caeser. We hope that you will continue to share him with us on Mancat Monday. He was a very special mancat and we know his passage has left a big void in your lives, especially you Prinny...
We love "Tigerpoos"! We are sure that there are a lot of stories behind those nicknames.
Purrs to all
MomBean though she had lost a kitty once in her old apartment, turns out he was hiding like Caesar-he had stretched out so far he was invisible!
Wow about you having a few dark hairs on your head when you were a kitten, Prinnie! We're alike! (Well, I'm not curly, but you know ...) :)
aw. we wish there was something we could do to make it all better, but we still purr and pray for you daily. keeping caesar in your thoughts every day helps we're sure.
perhaps some feliway or rescue remedy could help you princess. sometimes it is just time.
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