Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Word~full Wednesday

We are sorry we cannot blog!!!! mommie is not being helpful.
Today, she is outside helping daddie with the stupid lawn (mowing, dethatching and more mowing and core aerating). She deserves a cake after all that work, she is a princess like me, you know...
Last night she went to her first French class
(she used to speak fluently as a child but that was back in the dino days) and now she has homework!

And then, that is not the end of it.... between skating and her Frenchie class... she is also taking a drawing class! Why? I do not know. I think she can draw pictures now... sort of.
Just everything is not fair! I am mad as a bee
We miss you!

One good thing? Today is Chrystabelle's birthday (the oldest girl bean). She is 23!
Mommie claims she had her when she was 12, but we do not believe her.

We hope everyone has a beautiful and happy day.

We will be back, ....soon.... whocat knows when!
Caesar and I are soooo bored, it makes us sleepy.

Love and purrrrs

Bad is never good
until worse happens.

~Danish Proverb


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Happy Birthday to Chrystabelle!

You look lovely on your blue blankie, Prinnie. Sorry that your mom is so busy right now. Good luck to her with the French! My mom is almost-fluent in French. Her comprehension is pretty much fluent, and her reading and writing are excellent. Her speaking has decreased since she starting learning German, but she knows the French will come back when we move back to Canada.

LZ said...

Busy beans are BAD beans. I'm sure she'll be happy with all of her new stuff she's learning!


Daisy said...

I am glad your mommie is doing lots of fun and interesting things, but I am missing you!

Anonymous said...

Ah, my human threatens the French thing. Seems she wants to learn it fluently enough to be able to study acupuncture over there.

Christine and FAZ said...

I can't wait till your human gets fluent in French again and finishes her drawing classes. Mainly because I love you guys and like to visit regularly but also because she will be able to help you do your blog in French and then illustrate it for you too.


Anonymous said...

I hate it when My Lady won't cooperate with me and my blogging. IT IS a priority!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday Chrystabelle!!

Is your mommy going to France to skate?

DK & The Fluffies said...

All I can remember is langoustine.

Lux said...

Mom says that drawing class sounds like fun - don't give her ideas!

Happy Birthday to Chrystabelle!

MaoMao said...

Huggies to you and Caesar and to yur family, and happy burfday to Chrystabelle -- she's got such a purretty name!

Kittyhugs and purrs to you wunnerful kitties!

The Furry Fighter said...

happy birthday to your Bean!
why do beans tell fibs about their age?
my meowmie said it will the last birthday this year where she gets older, from here on in she will remain the same age until someone challenges her!

Karen Jo said...

A very Happy Birthday to Chrystabelle. I love that name. I am glad that your Mom is doing so many fun things, but sorry that it is cutting into your blogging time. I know the feeling of a million things to do and no time to do them all in well.

JT said...

Happy Birthday Chrystabelle!

Your Mom sounds very busy with the classes and skating and helping with the lawn. Hope she has time soon to help you with the blogging!

Phoebe said...

We will miss you both. When you get back, would you please come to my blog and see if you can give us any advice about what to do with the new stinky boy?

Ivan from WMD said...

Moms, huh? Why they think we're not enough for them is a constant mystery.

Bon chance!

Henny and Marlene said...

Wowie, French class!! Maybe she is taking drawing classes so she can make beautiful drawings of you and Caesar!? (We are looking forward for it!:)

Thanks, Princess, Caesar and Mommie for your sweet words, purrs and prayers for our Ralph!

Zoveel reacties is hartverwarmend.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That's ok~!
We all gonna miss you.

As long as you 2 good, I think it will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Arrgh! My female human has her painting class tonight, my male human his Swedish class.. That is not fair!! I have heard that my female has a writers workshop, too and my male human a stand up comedy class!!! Why can't they just stay at home with ME??????????? It is bad enough that both are working..
But both my humans are very unhappy, too - my male human has lost his wedding ring and his haddisk has crshed, that means that my humans lost every photo they ever had taken of themselves, of landscapes and animals and houses and friends and family.....
In two weeks my female human is seeing a doctor. She is not feeling well. I hope everything is ok with her.

Parker said...

Why do the beans get so busy? I am having the same problem!

Forty Paws said...

Happy Purrfday to Chrystabelle!!

We're sorry to hear your mommy is too busy to help you blog! We're missing you!

Luf, Us

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Birthday to Chrystabelle!

We're sorry your mom's busy right now. Busy moms are no good. Should I come over and put the bitey on her? Cuz I will if you want me to.

Earl Grey

The Wanderer said...

Our momma has been ferry busy too. We thinks you should join our Meezers & Friends Rebellion. We is plannings to take over the world and makes the beans do what we says!!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Purrfday to Chrystabelle, that's a purrty name. We're sorry yer mum is too bizzy, it's not fair when the Beans cut our compooter time short. We play herds of thundering elephants when we can't blog. We haf put up our meme that yoo tagged us for.

Anonymous said...

"Wow' she's been busy.Maybe soon she relax and cuddle with you.
Happy Birthday Chrystabelle :)

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Your Momma is most ambitious! Our Momma is purty much lazy, she says it is cuz she is old. That means we have to purr a lot on her.


ASTOR CATS said...

Your mom has a lot of energy and interests. That a good thing even though she's not helpin with your blog. Be patient - she'll be fluent in French again soon and will be teaching the class. Oops - that may not be a good thing.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Ernesto said...

Thank you so much for visiting our site the other day.
Sounds very busy there, we hope eveything goes well...
And Happy Birthday to Chrystabelle (sorry a little late).
We hope to read your future posts, when time again allows you.
Fritz and I say wish you big "Good Luck".

Bonnie Underfoot said...

So cruel to neglect the kitties! Your Mom may need some re-training. Her priorities are obviously all messed up.
Have a nap and some catnip, and it will get better. Oh, and we're posting our meme response soon! Purrs!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Happy 23rd to Chrystabelle! We are mad at our mommy, too. She has "been busy" with so many sily things that we even missed "Meow Like a Pirate Day." Now, she says she and daddy can't help us this weekend either. Do you believe it? We're thinking of you, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Around Your Wrist said...

what is it with busy moms? i mean, it sounds like your mom might be having fun with her busy-ness...but to ignore her most important tasks is nearly sacrireligeous!

right there with you in your suffering...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh wow, your Beins do that lawn stuff too? We thought it was only our Big Thing. He pokes holes in the ground an spreads neat leafy stuff all over.

Skeeter and LC

Starbuck and Torrey said...

I love your Danish quote! We've enjoyed visiting!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Wowzers, your bean is busy!

Anonymous said...

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