Tuesday, when I went to the vetman... I really had to see a vet lady and she was pretty nice. She had long red fur on her head. The whole visit was rather embarrassing, the whole being constipated thing. I was totally humiliated . . .
But the nice thing was, as usual, everyone at Leesburg Veterinary Hospital was so nice and they thought I was really handsome. They hadn't seen me in so long since I have been so healthy, so they even acted like they missed me. Everyone was like, "Wowie Caesar" I like how they pretend you are famous or something when you go to the vet.
Since the last time I was there, I noticed a few changes. The waiting room now has a huge aquarium, and there were the usual two big cages with cute kitties looking for forever homes. One kitty was ginormus. His name was Cupid. His paws were four times the size of mine and his head was huuuuge it was twice as big as mine. He was pretty laid back.
I also met a doggie that like kitties. His man brought him over to the kitty side (not really allowed) and that was a friendly doggie but wowie he scared me half to death. Good thing my mommie was there.
So, anyway, the vet tech was a guy and he was really nice to me.
The vet lady said it is normal for 16 year olds to get constipated. How embarrassing.
When we got home I just curled up in a ball and tried to sleep off the trauma....
Now I have to take some medicine every day. Mom gives it to me in a syringe. she jusst dumps it in my mouth. I am okay with that. It is not so bad.
So anyway... life is good. I had a really nice looking poop this morning. Very big and brown. I was so proud of it I did not cover it.
Mom is going to the rink today. We hope all of you kitties have a super fabbie day! We will be here, basking in the sun... oh, it looks like rain actually....
One of the advantages of being disorderly
is that one is constantly making
exciting discoveries.
~A. A. Milne
big stinky poops are just the thing! especially after a visit to the v-e-t. i'm glad yours is kind to you.
Could tuna juice help you??? Wondering if the essential fatty acids would help?
Your vet sounds about as nice as a vet can be. That's wonderful that they have separate sides for woofies and kitties! I'm glad your medicine isn't too bad and that it's helping.
Cool photo of Blizzie with her jazz group. She sounds very talented!
Sorry about the vet visit but I'm glad you just have to get some simple stuff and you'll be fine. They always like me too....weird humans.
P.S. Chase tagged you two!
Caesar, we are glad the vet lady helped you feel better.
oh our Norton was a constipated kitty too. for 6 years he hadded to go to the v-e-t about efurry 6 weeks. And he hadded the sticky gooey medikshuns too - 'cept since he only weighed 7 pounds, once in a while he gotted the runs from it. We knows it's 'barassing to go to the v-e-t for it, but Norton always feeled better, AND mommy letted him walk up the sidewalk from the metal monster to our front door all by himself- so he could be a big mancat when it was all done.
HOORAY for nice looking poops! You should be very proud of yourself. I think it was good of you not to cover so your Mommie could inspect it.
Dat was een heel avontuur bij de dierenarts, Caesar! Maar als het resultaat een mooie grote bruine drol is, dan is het niet voor niets geweest. En natuurlijk begraaf je zoiets moois niet! ;)
Knuffel voor jou en Princess uit Nederland. :)
Hey Caesar, I tried to send a reply email to your comment in our blog, but I got it back. Does mommie has an email address?
Bummer about having to go to the V-E-T, but I'm glad the medicine is working. There's nothing in the world like a giant, stinky, man poo.
Earl Grey
It sounds like you recovered nicely from that embarrassin visit yesterday. So that is good! OH my Momma thinks making good poops is a great thing! I wish she weren't so interesting in my poops!
Our Meowmie is always 'specting our poops. Wonder what's so interesting?
We're glad you are pooping good!
Caesar, you are a very good and brave boy for going to the vet and letting them get all up in your poo.
we tagged you! come to our page for details!
Aw! the meezer gang got to tag you first!! Looks like... only about 15 minutes ago! shucks.
I got to post some of my reports today. Check it out!
Purrs to you two,
Hooray for big brown poops! I'm glad you are feeling more manly!
We're glad the V E T visit werked and yoo goy out a nice big poop. I haf never had a problum wiv my poops. Mum sez it looks like a dog's been in the litter box when I've been in it cuz they are ginormous. Eric has allus had problums wiv his ever since he wuz a baby kitty. Mum puts brown sticky stuff on his paw to help him.
Sorry to hear about your "problem" Caesar and glad it's been taken care of. Mom says she would like to know what kind of medicine your VET gave you. Mom hates that brown sticky stuff cause all we do is shake if off and get it all over the place. One VET said to let us drink milk. Sometimes that works.
Looks like you have been tagged Caesar. Could you tell Princess that she was tagged by Cleo please, and stop by our site too. Thank you.
Ooops, forgot to say that Blizzie looks like she really enjoys her jazz group. Good picture of the group.
I'm glad you're past the embarrassing trauma of that visit, Caesar. Now you can concentrate on, well, pooping. :)
I tagged you for a meme, come to my blog and find out the details. :)
ps. glad the poopy is all good again.
I'm glad you're feeling better. I tagged you too! It's time to learn more about you!
Caesar, so glad to hear you're feeling better and had a great poop today - bravo! Mr. Chen just tagged you for the Seven Random Facts Meme (though we see you've already been tagged, too!)
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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