Monday, August 6, 2012

Mancat Monday

Miles: Today is bronkiemancat Monday

Pierro: Miles and I have a couple of meetings today in the satellite bonk office
then in usual Monday mancat schedule, we will eat a lot of snacks together

Miles: yep, we always get to bronkie eat up here!

Pierro: We are the mancats bonk!
You grow up
the day
you have the first real laugh
~at yourself.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Yep, we eat on the counters, too! It makes the food taste better! Happy mancat monday, kittehz.

Sparkle said...

Even if we were allowed to dine on the kitchen counters (we aren't), there would be no room for us to do so here!

Barb said...

The Gs all eat on my counter island. But don't let them tell you it's their bronkiebonkbrillian idea. It's mine. Because it's much easier for me to clean up their mess! srsly.

Satellite Office... well, look at you two, kicking bronks and taking names.

Daisy said...

Have a great day at the office, boys!

Hannah and Lucy said...

You get to eat up there - we have to make do with a mat on the floor. Can we come to live at your house please -we're very quiet and always good!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I want my dinner somewhere besides the floor! How lucky you are.

Jean(ie) said...

Man cats need a manly dinner spot to eat and jump from. Love it, guys!

Jenna and Sissy said...

Sissy luf to eat on counter. I rarely get up there.

We is so curious about yer meetings. Do ya help yer human work from home or does ya have yer own business?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

MOL! Iffen WE got fed up on the counters, Iza would weigh about 8 ounces...

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, you guys eat in style with place mats.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have to eat on the floor. Not fair!

Smudge said...

Oh man, I'm so jealous- you guys get to eat on the counter! I'd get scolded if I was caught up there!