Thursday, January 27, 2011

My very first Mancat birthday party!

welcome to my birthday party, kitties
I am so happy you are here!!

We have a lot of snacks and drinks
toona joose:

help yourselves please, or my daddy will serve you,
he is the guy over there in the apron.:::points paw to the left:::

Lookie, shrimpies

and crab rolls

cheese puffffs

and BEEF!

lookie: we have live music
a local sensation
"The HousePets"
Sportie the beagle
plays the saxaphone
(He lives down the street, pees on grass and kicks it around)

These three girls live next door,
they like to sing a lot
Carly, Nikki and Lola

and an amazing prodigy,
Puffy, at the piano

and for dessert:
salmon cuppiecakes
with real whippie cream

and homemade
catnip crunch cookies

you can play with all of our toys

and use our scratch postie
actually, you can scratch on our carpets, mom doesn't even care!

and play in our box fort

take a nap in here

romp around and through our box fort!

you can use our litter box. we put it
under daddy's work desk

for privacy
and put your barf
over here please

you can get a drink
out of this fancy fountain

when you have to go home, please
take take along a nip toy or three

We are so glad to have you at our house
it is going to be a very fun day!

We don't stop playing
because we grow old;
we grow old
because we stop playing.

- George Bernard Shaw


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are SO THERE!

We are there cuz its yer 1st Birfday of course, but hey those crab rolls and the shrimpsies look yummy!

Happy Mancat Birfday!

THoE, anyone?

Ayla and Iza

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Miles, that is a terrific Birthday party~!
Happy bonkbonk bonkbonk bonkbonk bonkbonk bonkbonk bonkbonk bonkbonksss Birthday to you~!!!!!!!!

I wish you also have a wonderful day with your dear brother Pierro~!!

Mr Puddy said...

Happy Birthday Miles
I wish you have a very best day : )
Thanks for the party !!! It's awesome..I really have fun with those boxes : )


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my sweet buddy Miles! HAPPY MANCAT BIRTHDAY to you! Wow incredable how time flys just got there and now you are a big cat!
Mommy said you are very sleek and handsome...we wish you a most wonderful day. You are a very lucky kitty and much loved near and far...
With soft head bonks to you from a ginger lady Misses Peach

Sparkle said...

Happy, happy first birthday, Miles! This is an amazing party - you have some of my very favorite treats, and your fort is unbelievable!

Barb said...

Happy Birthday, Milo Mancat! I can not believe a year has passed sop quickly!

Gandalf, Grayson, Whitey and Gracie send their best Birthday wishes!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest little mancats we know! We hope yoo have an amazing day and are spoilt rotten.
Now, let us see, shrimps ferst, then an exploration of yoor amazing box-castle!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy first Birthday Miles. Concats on becoming a mancat. You have lots of great food for your party. We don't know where to start but the crab rolls look very tasty.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Miles! Thanks for the crab rolls. I'll pass on the toona joos -- I get silly after drinking

Have a wonderful birthday. Btw, I love your box fort! That is so cool!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, we got Teri up early so we could get ready for your party! She was sleeping in today cuz the snows and stuck cars everywhere made her boss say Stay Home. It took her 3 hours to drive 35 miles yesterday but she made it safe and sound. Anyways, she got up and let us check on your birthday festivities and we think you must have a super party planner for such a purrfect celebration of such a MILEStone event!

We don't think we have ever seen your entire box castle before---it's awsome, with scratcher ramps and efurrything! And you have some very tasty looking fuds too! Crab Cakes, yum! Teri said ick at the Toona Juice martinis but we would love to lap up one or two!

Hope your day is filled with lots to purr about! Teri has to send your brudders Hero, Bosco, Zeus and Carlos birthday wishes cuz they aren't bloggie cats like you...she is so happy she gets to 'see' you so often thru your blog!

Luna und Luzie said...

Happy Happy Birthday, sweet friend Miles!!!

We hope you have a wonderful day.
Now we want to try some salmn cuppy cakes and a little of the tuna juice.
After that we want to play with you on your great box fort!

Have fun boys....sorry, mancats!!!

purrr and schnurrrrrr

Luna und Luzie said...

Happy Happy Birthday, sweet friend Miles!!!

We hope you have a wonderful day.
Now we want to try some salmn cuppy cakes and a little of the tuna juice.
After that we want to play with you on your great box fort!

Have fun boys....sorry, mancats!!!

purrr and schnurrrrrr

Kea said...

Happy 1st birthday, Miles! Boy, you really know how to throw a party! We've very excited to be here to help you celebrate and can't wait to play in your fort!

Stacy Hurt said...

Happy Furbday to Mr. Miles! WOW! One years old and still lookin' so orange curly swirlicious! Fanks for havin us all over to your ever cool pad! We'z gonna hang for a bit; have some early morning nip & check out all the guests!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

SeaThreePeeO said...

What an amazing party! Happy 1st Birthday Miles! xxx

Admiral Hestorb said...

Happy Birthday Miles! I can't remember having such fun! That Tuna Jooces just hit the spot! I was so thirsty after playing in the boxfort so long with Ms Stella and everyone else. Those cuppy cakes..magnificent!

Fanks for the litterbox use too. You know us girls need to freshen out furs.

You were such a gracious host and I loved your scratchin' post too!

Have many more Happy Birthdays both of you brothers. Love and kissies and whixker tickles.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday Miles!!! WOW, that's quite the pawty feast!!!

ibcmeir said...

What a lovely party and special occasion for you (BURP),excuse me, must have been the crab puff thingies...

and welcome to ManCatdom!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hey Miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
You are now a Mancat :) This is a special day and we are here to help you celebrate!! WOOT!!
Gotta say, this is a mighty fun party too!! But then, you & Pierro are such super kitties!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Ingrid said...

Happy Birthday Miles ! what a wonderful party ! Arthur only complains that virtual treats and drinks don't fill his stomac and Rosie misses Mouse milk !

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh I've been waiting for this!! Happy Birthday! You are looking great! You still look a little smaller than Pierro. Are you really or is that the angle of the photo?

Danielle said...

Happy Birthday, Miles! I think your party is great! That tuna juice is really good....

Amusing Bunni said...

Happy Birthday, little Man Miles! You are now officially a Man cat! This is the funnest party! You are so generous to invite all your friends. You mom did a great job setting everything up. I made a nice pork loin roast w/ crackling to bring for the buffet! It turned out really well (I tested it ;-)

I also hired these little guys to sing you a song!

Enjoy your Special Day, Miles!

We love Luna said...

Wow Miles,
This party is so wonderful, thanks so much!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday my sweet friend!

Pip said...

Oh Miles- happy, Happy Mancat Birthday. We are so very proud of you to be such a stunning man-cat. Now all the lady-cats are going to start knocking on your door.
Thank you for inviting us to your party. We loves your box fort.
Love, TK and Squashies

Carolyon said...

Happy 1st birthday Pierro! Looks like your party was awesome!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Miles!! This is a great party!!

Kid said...

Congratulations Miles !

Katnip Lounge said...

Miles, we are late but we finally made it! We brought a few hams and chikkuns to fill in those last empty tummy corners.
Happy First Birthday! Miles, we are so pleased to know you and Pierro, you put the curlyswirlybonkbonk in our day!

Darlene said...

We were just going to sleep for the night and remembered that it is your birthday. I am sorry we are late, but brought you some more goodies to celebrate your one year birthday with you, Miles. Looks like a lot of fun. Hope you can stay up a little late and play some and eat some wonderful birthday treats. Sleep in tomorrow like we will.

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Belated 1st Birthday Miles and many, many, many mooooore!!! We are so sorry to have missed your party!!
(((((((HUGGGGSSSSS)))))))) from your TX furiends,

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRONKS!! I hope you enjoy your shrimps and cuddles today!

Miezekatze said...

Happy Purrsday Miles :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no, we missed your birthday party. It's all Jan's fault. She's such a computer hog. But we'd like to wish you a belated Happy Birthday, Miles. We hope you had a really fun day.

Anya said...

Oh oh....
Sorry we are toooo late :(

Happy belated Birthday Miles
our Mommy is always to late SORRY

We send you 10000000 kisses and hugs
and thank you very much
for so many yummieeeee food :-)

Honki bonki tonki hugs from

Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

and Mommy Anya

Cat Mandu said...

You have the very best box fort ever!!

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Happy Happy belated Birthday, Miles! We're bummed that we missed the party. It looked like it was super fun!