Monday, August 8, 2011

Mancat Monday

Hey bronks kitties
I spent the whole week-end playing in my tunnel.

It is right in the middle of the family room so it is great fun to create a ruckus while the family is trying to talk or watch tv.

I napped in the sunshine

Have a bonkiful Monday
we could
be thankful

we're not getting all the government
we're paying for.

- Will Rogers
(hahaha, I think)


m.q said...

happy bonkbonk Monday

Mickey's Musings said...

Hey Pierro !!!! Hey Miles !!!!
Sounds like you two had a purrfect weekend :) WooHoo,heehee
Have a super fun week!!

Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Mr Puddy said...

Wow ! You guys have lots of lots of tunnels !!!!
What a great fun !!! May I play with you ? : )

and Happy World Cat Day to you both

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Looks like yoo have been having great fun.
Happy World Cat Day beautiful boys! We remember with love those who have gone to the bridge on this speshull day.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. Can I play?

Fuzzy Tales said...

It looks like you both had a pawsome weekend!

Happy World Cat Day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Have fun guys! Happy World Cat Day!

Admiral Hestorb said...

What a great weekend you had and the fun was multiplied if anyone had to make their way around the tunnel!! Happy Bonk Bonk Bronk World Cat Day. Kissies to you both.

ibcmeir said...

that is an quite a tunnel system you have. I'd run around and cause a ruckus too...looks really fun!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are not even gonna pretend NOT to be jellus of that pawsome tunnel system! Happy World Cat Day, kittehz! xoxo

Hannah and Lucy said...

We bet your tunnels rustled loudly when your mom was trying to watch tv Miles! It is a great layout and we bet you have loads of fun making zooming through. Unless you were snoring loudly Pierro we think you wouldn't have stopped your mom and dad hearing the tv!
Have a great week boys with lots of fun.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It looks like you had a great weekend! Enjoy!

Sparkle said...

Playing and napping - two of my favorite things!

Katnip Lounge said...

Happy World Cat Day!! You boys are spoiled to the level we aspire to. Box forts, tunnels, it's a good thing our Mommy loves us or we'd be at your house in an instant!

we hope to be up to speed commenting by next week...secretaries...sheesh.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's good to see you boys enjoying your Monday so much!

The Chans

Danielle said...

Your tunnel must be so much fun! Happy World Cat Day, Pierro and Miles.

meemsnyc said...

Tunnels are so much fun to play with!

BTW, we are holding a contest for a free bag of Innova Natural pet food. Today is the last day to enter.

The Island Cats said...

What a fun weekend you guys had!! Happy World Cat Day!!

Ingrid said...

Wow what a tunnel ! you must feel happy like a mole in that !

Spunky and Manny said...

That tunnel looks like lots of fun--it's huge! Ours is only about 5 feet long.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

You two are spoiled to purrfection! We always love seeing what mischief you are getting into!

What, you go some spammers visting you? What a drag!

Daisy said...

Your tents are such a pretty color! I just have boring blue ones.

caspersmom said...

Wow Miles, you sure have a neat tent system there. Sure glad you had a great time playing in it. Pierro you sure do look comfy. Mom really likes the phrase for the day, sounds like the truth to me.


Ellen Whyte said...

A kitty ruckus is a good ruckus!

Christine and FAZ said...

Tonight when I go to sleep I will be dreaming about playing with you both in your amazing tunnel. If you hear a whisper but don't see anything that will be me in my sleep coming to visit. Purrs FAZ

Clooney said...

Lookin' good Mancats! Now that is SOME tunnel you got there! Fabulous, really!