Mom always knows where to find me
inside my bonkie bloo blankie
look, my paws are as big as my head...
Miles has a new hiding place and mom cannot find him this morninglook, my paws are as big as my head...
she looked all over the house she called Miles, but he just would not tell her where he was!!!
Miles: I do not want mom to find my new snoozing spot on top of the refrigerator and under this bronkie cabinet.
-- besides, I am not sure I really like it enough yet
Have a fun week-end kitties!
Those who bring sunshine
into the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie
Those who bring sunshine
into the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie
That is a mighty good hidey spot!! I don't think I'd fit in that spot...
That is a great hiding place, Miles!
You 2 all find your own very comfy spot, and that is great!
I think Pierro is neat,
I can't stand hiding in the blankie in this season~~~
MOL..for Rumble's comment..I think the same as him..It's a special spot , Just for you , Milles !
I don't think I can fit..heh..heh..I got a big butt !
All the photos are great today, but we just adore the first one!!!
The Chans
Andy applauds both of you for having such great "hidey-holes"......Andy is our king of hidey-holes and lotza times our mama can't find him either!!!!!!!
Pierro you have the cutest little paws just made for mum to kiss. We are sure your hidey hole is much more comfy that Miles' spot.
Have a great weekend boys
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Boys! You are Master Hiders! I bow before your superior skills!
Kitties always find the best spots! You are such cuties. You gave me a smile today!
I'm' thinking the blankie looks better to me. I better get the Woman to purchase me one like that...
Oh Pierro...your bloo blankie is very much like a mancat cave but cooler even! And Milesington, your skinny hidey spot is perfect for the 'greyhound of cats' cuz we all know Disco couldn't squeeze into that tight spot!!
Pierro, you got huge paws!!! Miles, I sometimes go in that same spot on the frigerator!
Hey Pierro!!!! Hey Miles !!!!
Pierro, we love,love,love that last picture of you ! Those BIG paws,heehee The backlit blue too :) Very cool :)
Miles, that is a neat spot as long as you don't out grow it in a while ;) Also, don't get up in a hurry ;) heehee
We love your quote today and we think it really applies to your Mom :)
Have a fun weekend!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
If we didn't see the pictures, we woulda never known where you were, Miles!!
Sheesh. My mom's goin crazy for those little cat feet!Cool hidin place. Is it warm up there? I like to hide in new places sumtimes too. Hee-hee.
You silly boys are just too cute for words!...You look so comfortable handsome Pierro and you certainly found a great hidey spot, adorable Miles!...Happy weekend, precious friends...smoochies...Calle, Halle, Sukki
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