Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Mancats

Miles: This week-end was a busy one for mancats.
We are thankful for Monday!! It is going to be a great day!

Pierro: Miles and I had to check everything the past two days

Miles: It is good to check the food supply

and what mom is making with so much noise in the kitchen

Pierro: Where are the warm blankies and towels?

should I help fold these?

Miles: of course we have a meeting on the stairs,
to share gathered information

Happy bonkbronk Monday
Life is the art of drawing
an eraser

~John Gardner


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You 2 boys are so adorable~!
And you have so many special places could be discovered!
That is awesome!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That does look like a very busy weekend. You need a lot of weekday naptime to make up for it!

The Chans

Sparkle said...

You two had a LOT to supervise! And I don't know if that recipe your human was making should get a paw of approval - it does not look like chicken or salmon!

HH and The Boys said...

Happy bonkbronk Monday back atcha... Love the pictures and the quote.

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great home inspection! I like Mom's reminder thingy for the dryer. That's very very smart!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoo boys are VERY helpful! Smoochies.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Boys, you are just the best Mama's Helpers! If Mommy asks me to help out sometimes I do but you two are very industrious. I think I may try to help mommy more!

Bonk Bonk Bronk!

Kea said...

You had a very busy weekend, indeed! Perhaps it would be best to rest up today, after all your exertions!

-Fuzzy Tales

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Happy Bronkstermancat Monday Kitties!

Hannah and Lucy said...

You two young mancats had better pace yourselves if all week is going to be this busy - we don't want you burning yourselves out with exhaustion. Cooking, cleaning, checking the blankies and towels are dry. Find a a sun beam and get yourselves a good nap - you deserve it.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You two have been very busy! I hope you get to nap soon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, you're working too hard guys...nap time!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Furry Bizzy Boys! Miles, you are so grown up (looking) now but glad to see there is still the 'kid' left in both of you!

The Crew said...

Gosh, you guys have really kept busy!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello Boys!!!!
Goodness you two are SO busy!!!!
We think you have everything covered ;) heehee You two were so busy,we had to have a snooze ;)
Purrs Tillie & Georgia

Stacy Hurt said...

I don't even want to know how it is your human found it necessary to post the emergency notice on your dryer. I really dont.

You boyz make my day!

Ms. Stella O'Houligan

Just Ducky said...

All the reminders to check the dryer! No kitties need to go for a ride.

Ellen Whyte said...

You two are the sweetest fruitbat eared cats ever!

Katnip Lounge said...

Holy Cod! You need more kitties. You two work too hard.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh wow, you Boys had a BUSY day!

We love LUNA said...

Fantastic cat patrol there!
These pictures are wonderful and the last one is my favorite!
Love you both!

Kid said...

Love that quote. (and pretty much all the others too.)
Anyway, Good Work Men !

Anya said...

You both are adoraable
Nice to see that you always helping your Mommy :-)

Hugs to all
Kareltje =^.^= ♥ Betsie >^.^<

Gigi said...

Hi sweet boys! You two look like you have had a busy day investigating all the action at your house. Yes, I *do* think you should help fold those towels, MOL!

Nosetaps & headbonks!

Carolyon said...

Oooo! You two have been busy!

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's a lot of work in two days. No wonder you slept the rest of the week.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Pierro + Miles!!
MOL your mom must be kin to my mom or either you two are as strict as I am with demerits.
You boys are so humans sister has a Cornish Rex (blue and white). Named Harley...before Harley she had a calio Cornish Rex named Cali...we love your breed you are so friendly loving.
Hugs Madi