Friday, December 10, 2010

Two peppy and cheerful Frootbats Friday

Greetings, thanks bronkloads for the birthday wishes for mommy.
We were good boys all day!!

*sigh* It was very hard to be a good boy.
Pierro is my role model. He is always angelic and he does not even have to try!!!!

Miles is a bonkbonk excellent kittyboy. He just needs to keep working on personal restraint.

bonkbonkbonk for a happy bronkie week-end!!!

we are soooooo excited. Blizzie is coming home on Sunday
She only has one more kollig semester left and then she will graduate and be a working person. She is so amazing... and smart, she already got a job!!!
A very large consulting firm here in Northern Virginia snapped her up. So she will be fully employed in June just a month after she graduates.

okay, so we are going to enjoy the sunshine and
look for the birdies.

Play with life, laugh with life,
dance lightly with life,
and smile at the riddles of life,
knowing that life’s only true lessons
are writ small in the margin.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Blizzie on her new job!Woo hoo!

I have trouble being good. maybe Pierro can teach me?

Kea said...

Concats to Blizzie on getting a good job already! That's fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend!

We love Luna said...

Bonjour dear friends Miles and Pierro!
I see you all are enjoying the spot window there, and you got a beautiful sunlight!
It's wonderful!
I wish you and your lovely mommy a beautiful weekend!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Congratulations to your human sister! :-) You boy's supported her a lot of this time and now you will get to help her celebrate.


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY, that your Blizzie is coming home....what fun y'all will have.

Have the most pawsome weekend. xxxxxxxxxx

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Sounds like you have lots to be thankful for! Yay for Blizzie--one less worry for her and mom! And Miles, you are trying, so you get an 'A' for effort!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Well done to Blizzie for getting a job for when she's finished at college. We bet your Mom and Dad are furry proud of her.
Pierro how does it feel to be a role model for Miles - do you feel very grown up and well done to Miles for being very good ALL DAY!!
Now relax boys and enjoy your birdie watching.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katnip Lounge said...

Miles, we find it very hard to be good, too. We hope your Mom had a great birthday!
Concats to Blizzie! We are proud of her getting a job AHEAD of time, especially when jobs are so hard to get.

Sparkle said...

Wow, your Blizzie must be very extra-special if she has a job waiting for her already! Paws up!


*clappin paws*
We are glad your Blizzie got such a terrific job!


Mickey's Musings said...

Hey Miles!!!!! Don't worry about trying to be good.You are a youngster and are supposed to be effervescent!!
It's your purrsonality :)
Hey Miles !!!!! You are a super role model :) Chosen and sent by Caesar and approved by Princess... you are pawsome!!!!!!!!
Oh how happy your home will be when Blizzie gets there :)
Give her hugs from us on getting a great job!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

PeeEss: Mom thinks it is so cool that Blizzie & your Mom played at house tours! Mom & he sister love Christmas house tours and seeing all the lovely decorations :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Can WE get a frootbat ear transplant somewhere? We will trade fer treats fer a month...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats to Blizzie getting a job so quickly. It will be fun for you to have her home for Christmas.

Ellen Whyte said...

Hey that's GREAT! Concatulations!

lupie said...

We are very happy for Blizzie!
Send our congrats to her!!

And Miles, glad to know you've chosen the 'right' role model! We got ours all confused, like Wolfie who has a character problem!


Love, Lucky & Co.

The Island Cats said...

Good for Blizzie!! We hope you have a good time when she is home!

Mr Puddy said...

Cool ! your human sister get a good job ...You know what it's mean ? Now she is able to support you toys.... cat's bed....I think it's time for you two to make a list : )

Gattina said...

You really look exhausted Miles, it's hard to be a good boy I know, but it is only once a year !
Congratulations to Blizzie, that's wonderful to have a job just after studies !

Kid said...

I love the wavy curls in Miles's fur. He's a lady killer alright.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray for Blizzie! You two look like you are both ready for a little snooze time!

Carolyon said...

Congrats to Blizzie on getting a job!
Looks like you boys are making the most of all the sun!

Amusing Bunni said...

Hi Kitties, I knew you would be extra good for Mom's Birthday. I hope you all are having a fun weekend celebrating with Blizzie! She is very lucky to find a great job before she even graduates. You two have the best job, keeping us happy and smiling.
Nite nite and I hope you don't get's lots of snow like I am, it's awful.