Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wayback Wednesday

Hey kitties Happy Wednesday
I like how my good friend in Nova Scotia, Mickey has close-ups on Fridays,
so here are my wayback close-ups today.
Prinnie- Princess had a cute pink nose and a nice white muzzle
and a few whisker pricks

and Caesar-

now reeeeally close up of Caesar

Caesar did not have any whiskers, not even a few crinkly cornish rex whiskers... because Princess liked to groom Caesar and she always chewed off his whiskers.
Mom says Caesar's whiskers finally just stopped growing :D

and here is my close up
I actually have some pretty nice whiskers...

and here is Miles' close up muzzzle
He has a mighty fine collection of whiskers too
and a very cute pink nose!

YAY!! It is almost May and then soon it will be time for my brofurr Miles to come and live with me. I am excited and mommy and daddy are "kitten proofing" so I think they are excited too.

I hope all of you have a bonkbonk Wednesday!

If passion drives you,
let reason hold the reins.

~Benjamin Franklin


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I like that your nose has a little of Prinnie's pink and lots of Caesar's black on it! I bet your Momma does too...Umm... are you sure you want to name your kitten Miles? You know the one Miles we know is sort of a umm wild man...

Jacqueline said...

Such cute noses on all of you, although we don't think we've ever seen a kitty without whiskers!!...We can't wait to meet Miles; Pierro, you are going to love your adorable baby brother!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We love yoor wayback post ~ and today yoo all have such cute noses it made mom want to smmochie yoo all.

We are excited abowt yoor lil bruvfurs arrival too.

Daisy said...

What beautiful close-ups! Pixie never had any whiskers, either.

Poppy Q said...

How cute, all the whiskers you kitties have. Caesar and Princess were so beautiful.

Little Miles looks like such a cutie, and we can't wait to see you both together.

Kea said...

We've never seen a whiskerless kitty close-up, either. So how do kitties without whiskers judge whether they have room to pass through a small space?

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh cute pikshurs!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such cutie snooties! We can't wait to meet Miles!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Are you crossing the days off on your calendar until Miles comes to join your family. We bet he is getting excited about meeting you too.
We have never seen a cat without whiskers before.

Anonymous said...

Prinnie had the cutest moosh (that's what mom calls the close up of the moufs). And that is so weird that she used to nibble off Caesar's whiskers. Too funny!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We love all the muzzle close-ups. Thanks por posting them!

SuziQCat said...

Those are great close-ups...sweet kitty noses :)

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Pierro, your whiskers are a lot like Brightons and we all luv the muzzle close-ups!

I think CRex are very tactile with their paws, not sure if that is cuz they don't have long whiskers, but having short, crinkly ones never seems to deter them from sticking their noses places, hahameow!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We think that those are all great close up pics! We had no idea that some kitties had very few or no whiskers. And you have very handsome whiskers. And we are very excited for you to have Miles coming soon - he has a lot of whiskers for a little guy.

Garden Cats + Crafts said...

It's fun for once you cats to look up close. Very nice pics. Princess even had such a sweet pink nose. Funny, that Princess has eaten Caesars beard hair. Sweet Pierro, You have such cute cheeks. I could easily bite you in they ;-).

Have a nice week and a wonderful spring.
Big hugs & kisses & purrs,
Birgit and the furry friends

We love Luna said...

Dear Pierro,
Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful pictures, for sure they are fabulous close ups! :)
purrs and love

Katnip Lounge said...

We loved your Wayback pictures! Pierro, you and your bro-to-be have some big paw prints to fill...

Poor CC gets his eyebrows "trimmed" all the time, but we aren't sure who's the culprit!

xx Lounge Kats

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Kea: cornish kitties just stick their head in narrow openings and if that works we just keep going.
If it does not work out fit wise, then we back up.

Purrrsonally, I don't think those whiskers are all so important as humans think they are.

and MissieTeriFurridance is absolutely right. Cornish kitties just go where we think we need to get to... to check things. Squishy spots are fun!


dellartist said...

I love all the close up photos, Pierro, you have such a lovely crop of whiskers. How exciting about a new brofurr for you! You will have so much fun!

Stacy Hurt said...

Such a lovely collection of whiskers as ever was colletctioned. I can't wait to hear the adventures of Monsieur Pierro & Mister Miles!

Mickey's Musings said...

Hey Pierro !!!!!!!!!!!
We LOVE those close ups!!!
You all have such kissable faces :) Especially Prinnie.
You have some pretty nice whiskers ;)
We are very excited about Miles coming to your home soon too!!
Saturday is Mayday!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Kid said...

Miles... Sounds like a good time. I hope they both get along like litter mates.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Seriously good nosies!

Ingrid said...

You all have such cute noses, but of course as it is always, when it comes to babies, little Miles nose is the cutest, lol !
I hope that you will go well together ! It's certainly a changement for you in the beginning.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

The cutest noses!!!

Anya said...

LOveeeeeeeeeee.... your close-ups
(specialy my sweetheart Prinnie;)

I can also not wait until May
I want see more photo's from Miles
(He is also orange/white, just like me meow..meow..I think he is very sweet :)))))))))

Honki Bonki hugs for you
Kareltje =^.^=

Anonymous said...

what a collection of whiskies! ...and non-whiskies.
~Baby Audrey

The Furry Kids said...

Kyoot close ups!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ah, such cute noses, all of you. Jan once adopted a kitten with no whiskers. Her friend said the mother cat kept chewing the whiskers off all her kittens.

May is really close now.

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

We didn't know that kitties might not have whiskers - we learn something new everyday!

Pierro, you have a nice set of whiskers and so does little Miles - we can't wait for him to come home!

Happy weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar

The Oceanside Animals said...

I loves me some kitty noses!

The Crew said...

Nice looking nose, Pierro!

We can't wait to meet your new brother.