Friday, December 4, 2009

Frootbatty Friday

Happy headbonking Friday
Fridays are my busiest day I think. I have a lot of things to do
I help mom and dad around the house, dad even lets me come into his room when he is having a phone meeting. I know how to be extra quiet.


I hope your Friday is peaceful and restful - and by that I mean that you do not have a little boy kitty barging into your very small cozy bed, and following your around, and "helping" you eat your food.

I am hoping.

Things are not always what they seem;
the first appearance deceives many;
the intelligence of a few
what has been carefully hidden.



Karen Jo said...

Maybe Pierro will get busy helping Dad and leave you in peace, Prinnie. Have a great Friday.

Parker said...

I think that Pierro is trying to be a good boy for Santa!

The Meezers or Billy said...

yeah, but you both look furry snuggly there!

happy weekend!

We love Luna said...

Stay warm, enjoy your cosy place and take a great nap dear friends!
Happy weekend

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

The last photo is just heartwarming,
I haven't have this moment with Lego yet!!!

Anonymous said...

You both look So purrecious sleeping together!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are so cute. Just remember that those lovely little boy cats are warm when you need to snuggle!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Don't worry, Princess. Once Dr. Buddy does his first brain surgery, maybe we can talk him into tweaking Pierro's.

Ingrid said...

What an adorable picture of both of them in the Ying/Yang position, lol !
Yes, Princess it's hard to deal with youngsters ! Rosie is getting very much on Lisa's nerves.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Aww, always the sweetest cuddles here!

Cavebear said...

That is good you are quiet when Dad is on the phone. The Big Thing tells us that half of being in a meeting is being quiet.

L. Alida said...

Hi my two adorable frootbat kitties!
I hope you are all having a happy snuggly weekend. It is very snowy and cold here. (probably until April) sigh...
I see Virginia had snow. Did you get it? Stay extra warm sweet Prinnie!
Extra cuddly hugs,

The Furry Kids said...

Dear Prinnie,
We can dream that there are no kitty helpers, can't we?

Your pal,