Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Whitecat Wednesday

Hey kitties.
Is it fall yet at your place? Here the weather is quite cool, chilly really.
I need extra blankets please!!!

I hope all ofyou have a marrrrvelous Wednesday
I hope all of you are well and perky.
I am not so perky, but I am doing okay.
I sleep a lot and love eating my foods.

Everyone must take time to sit
and watch the leaves turn.

~Elizabeth Lawrence


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We have wind and cloud here, too!
But it because there are 2 typhoon very close to our land, hee hee~
the fall is really coming here as well, because the air is really cooler, and the sun is not that heat~

I hope you have extra nice lovely blankie soon!

Anonymous said...

It haz not turned cooler here yet, but we are really looking forward to that day.

We hope you get as many extra blankets as you like, Prinnie! ♥

The Oceanside Animals said...

You and Trouble have a lot in common. :-)

The Meezers or Billy said...

we love you Prinnie

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yes, we have been snuggling more under blankets and trying to get warmer. I can't wait until they turn on the fire downstairs...

Anonymous said...

Fall is bearing down on us mercilessly! But, we like the fall/winter! Especially when the little bean brings all of those colorful leaves in the house! The smells are fabulous!!! We can always come over and snuggle with you to keep you warm!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it is lovely and warm here. i wish you could come here and nap with sarge, he is sleeping all day...

smiles, auntie bee

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

It has gotten cooler here too! Do we need to send you an extra blanket? We do have extras!!!

You just keep eating and enjoying life...that is all any of us should be doing!

We love Luna said...

oh sweet Princess, thanks for this wonderful post! Happy to see you fine!
Take care okay!
I love Autumn time, we have beautiful sunny days in Luxembourg, I hope they can keep on.

Anya said...

Its in The Netherlands also fall,
its cold and its raining now :(
But we keep warm inside .... LOL

I go take a longggg nap ;)
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=

The Furry Kids said...

I sleep a lot and love to eat food, too, Prinnie! It's freezy cold here. Mom checked us this morning and we all had frozen ears of corn. hehe

Your pal,

Ingrid said...

Of course you need extra blankets for your old bones, Lisa does too. BTW I discovered something since yesterday ! When I let her out of "her" room in the morning and there is only light in my room, she crows non stop, and I have to get up all the time to get her in my room but she never stayes. As she always sleeps with a little light on because she is afraid of the dark, yesterday I tried to leave the light on in the living room and ... it is far better ! She really can get on your nerves with this crowing ! Otherwise we still have sunny and quite warm days in Belgium.

Parker said...

Stay warm my friend, it is very chilly here and the radiators got turned on!
Smoochies to you Prinnie!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Yup - it's fall and getting cold at our place, too, Princess.

Curl up in those extra blankets and enjoy a nice cosy nap!

Have a good weekend,

Charlemagne and Tamar

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello Pretty Princess !!!!!!!!!
The nights are getting cooler and Mom has gotten out more blankets :)
I also like sleeping and have a good appetite. I leave the running around to my sisfurs,heehee
have a snuggly ,cozy week Prinnie!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is cooler here an we love it! The deck door stays open all day so we can go an come in as we choose... It is SO FUN ta run in an out like crazy...

AMIT said...

So cute one is she.

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