Friday, September 25, 2009

Frootbats and flowers

Happy Friday
Thank you for coming to my party.
I like being two.
I am hoping that mommie will remove all of the cardboard from the open stairs now that I am a big boy...

but I doubt it... I still get squirted when I forget and start climbing

Today Prinnie and I are relaxing in our sunny spots and thinking about a happy week-end.
Look at Prinnie, isn't she tiny? she weighs 5 and one half. I am bigger than her now!

headbonkies to all of you

Here are flowers from mommie's garden

on the side of the house

Courage is not the absence of fear,
but rather the judgment that something else
is more important than fear.

-Ambrose Redmoon

...What is the "something else" in your life?


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I love the flowers, so colorful~!
And so beautiful~!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

We love Luna said...

What a beautiful and cosy place!
Adorable flowers dear friends, thanks so much for sharing.Have a nice weekend
purrs and love

Parker said...

Have a great weekend you two cuties!

Anya said...

Lovely flowers
so colorful :)
In our garden its fall now !!
Not so many flowers but lovely colored leaves :)
Have a wonderful weekend
my friends
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=

The Meezers or Billy said...

haf a happy weekend!!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

boy howdy that was fun, lots of interesting photos to see today! love the flowers and yes, you are a big boy now honey!

smiles, auntie bee

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

That's such a long ways down, Pierro! Please be careful and we're glad that your mommie is so cautious.

We hope that both of you have a great weekend!

Charlemagne and Tamar

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you have such a good party. Have a good weekend with Prinnie!

Anonymous said...

You both look so cute laying in the sun! We love to do that too!!! And, we had lots of fun at your pawty! Maybe you can ask "Santa" to take the cardboard...

Reese =^..^= said...

Looks like you are pretty tuckered out from you party. I hope it was great!

Ingrid said...

Lovely flowers !
You should be more careful and your mom will remove the cardboard, boys are terrible, lol !
Little Prinnie looks still very good even if she is a little skinny, but old ladies are often very thin and bony. The most important is, that she feels good !

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello Pretty Princess !!!!!!!!!
Hey Pierro !!!!!
What a wonderful way to spend the day!! We love to do that too when the sunbeams are out :)
We like your Mom's flowers too. They look happy :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Ariel said...

Happy belated birthday sweet Pierro.
You both look so cute enjoying the sun...Hugs

Boy n Beethoven said...

What???? Did I just missed your purrthday Pierro? Argh!!!!
A Happy happy happy Happy belated purrthday!


Boy n Beethoven said...

It was all mine Mummy's fault for hogging the compooter and not wetting us visit our fwiends' bwoggies! See she made us miss your purrthday!
Happy 2nd purrthday Piewwo!


Mr. Hendrix said...

oh Pierro! i am so sad i missed your birthday party. i brought you over some fresh nip leaves for a belated gift. your room is very cool! a new bed is a great gift for an awesome two year old mancat like you. purrrrrs

you be careful on those stairs Pierro. they are very high! remember look, but don't leap.

AMIT said...

Everything shown in the picture is so lovely.

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