Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Frootbat Friday

Happy Friday happy week-end kitties.
I hope all of you are behaving.... I got in trubble yesterday because I made Prinnie skreem really loud I just wanted to wrestle with her and she gets really snippy about that mom skolded me but I am not grounded or anything
mom is lerning how to kwilt, here is her first star, she has made 16 now and they are made into squares.

I am not sick anymore. There is no time to be sick around here anyway... hahameow
I love all of you very much. thank you for your concern and purrs.
when I hurted my throat a few weeks ago mom said no more crunchies for me... but then she changed her mind and decided to give me crunchies that have been soaking in water and they are all puffy and squishy.... well, that was a dumb idea because I ate twice as many puffy crunchies and that is why I was having poop attacks... so... eh-hem... I am feeling much better now, thanks
I hope every kitty has a marvelous week-end

Life consists

not in holding good cards

but in playing those you hold well.

-- Josh Billings


Zoe and Indy said...

Nice star! Our mom recently learned how to quilt too.

Anya said...

We are happy to hear you are BETTER princess, we are soooooo happy for you :)
My mommy loves the star ;)
Enjoy your weekend :)
purrss to all

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Knowing you are getting better is the best news ever,
I am very very happy for you!!!
And wish you and Pierro has great weekend!

Parker said...

That's a pretty star! Pierro, I know you want to be a good boy - it's hard sometimes!
Prinnie my friend, I am so happy that you feel better!!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Prinnie sisterfloofypantslambiepie...give Pierro I whap next time he comes to wrestle with you. Little chap needs to learn some respect for the seniors in his life. I have to deal with Hunny Bunny moving into my territory too. I can get pretty hissy for an old fur ball!
All my love to you...your Peachiepie

Luna ( from Brazil ) said...

Dear Princess,it's so nice to see you better!I loved your and Pierro pictures!
Have a nice weekend there!
purrs and love

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh, the slobberhound is havin' poo moments too, but he likes to save them for his crate at 4am.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Glad you're feeling better!

Daisy said...

Prinnie, I am glad you are feeling better. My brother Harley is always trying to wrestle with me and sometimes I scream at him, too. Then he chases me all around and my Mommie is saying "Harley, NO NO!"

Ingrid said...

Good to hear you are OK now Prinnie ! I am back from Morocco where I have seen lots of cats ! As Mohamed loved cats, everybody has cats.
When I came home Arthur was happy and squatted my suitcase immediately. Lisa was only interested in food, Pookie offended and Rosie happy. Kim apparently didn't even realize that I have been away !

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Glad to see you are much better. Keep up the good work. Sorry you got sclded, you will have to be a little more gentle.

Hugs GJ x

meemsnyc said...

Princess, that's great that you are not sick anymore! Pierro, careful with the ruffness, play nice.

Love the quilt star, so pretty!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i hope you both have a great weekend and lots of sunshine to lay in!

smiles, auntie bee

Fat Eric said...

I am glad you are feeling better, Princess. And your mum is very clever for learning to quilt, my mum would like to learn one day.

Kat said...

Oh Dear!! I went through this list of cat bloggers and gave my blog address and now I have had to CHANGE my blog location! If you have been kind enough to link me, please change the link for me, and if you have not linked me yet, I would love it if you would!! Sorry for the inconvenience, I look forward to getting to know all of you purrrfectly lovely friends!

Leia of the House of 7 Cats

*let me know if you do link me so that I can link you back!!

MaoMao said...

What a beeyootiful star yur Momma maded! We Ballicai are sorry to hear you'd been feelin poorly, but we're sure glad that you are bettur now. hehehe on wet, puffy crunchies! And Pierro, you are such a sweet little feller. Sendin all of you lots of love!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Princess, we are glad that you are feeling better now. Being sick is no fun.

Pierro, even though you think wrestling would be fine, Princess probably doesn't. We think she likes cuddling better.

Have a nice weekend,

Charlemagne and Tamar

Mickey's Musings said...

Hey Pierro!
Hello Pretty Princess!!!! :)
My sisfurs sometimes give me a hard time,wanting to play when I do not .
Prinnie,I am so happy you are doing better!
Your Mom did very well making that star :) I think she will do very well with quilting.
Purrs Mickey