Friday, June 12, 2009

Frootbat Friday

Happy Friday, kitties.
We have had so much rain here at our house, it feels like we live on a boat, hahameow

I hope you have a wonderific day and a super fun week-end
love and purrrs

Hi kitties
Happy week-end
I discovered a cool thing --> bugs. I love them!

During times of universal deceit,
telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act."

- George Orwell


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We have very heavy rain here, too.
But it short, and often.
Big rain 5 mins, and suddenly sunshine for 1 hour, and another big rain for 15 mins, and sunshine quickly come 15mins...
Anyway, it's very strange weather~

I wish you have great weekend as well!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Long rains here too. We step outside efen on high ground an it is squishy. We don't like that a bit...

Parker said...

Bugs are great! Rain, not so much!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I love bugs too, any kind of bugs. But I dont like all the rain we are having.

Happy weekend

Hugs GJ xx

Noll's Nip said...

Bugs are good for passing away a rainy day. Headbonks back at ya!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Bugs are so very fun to play with. I love to catch them!

Daisy said...

I like playing with buggies, too! Yesterday, Harley was chasing around a flying bug, and when my Mommie got closer she was it was a WASP!

The Furry Kids said...

Bugs are fun! I am a PBK (Professional Bug Killer). hee hee

Prinnie, it rained so much here yesterday that Mama thought we might have to build an ark. It's sunny today, though. Yay!

Happy Weekend!

Anya said...

We have also rain yakkie....
I go sleep the hole weekend LOL

Have a lovely weekend
love to all
Kareltje =^.^=

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Yep, lotsa rain but us insidey cats don't mind it too much, cuz as Pierro chases the bugs inside!

Castle said...

dearest Prinnie, weez been reminiscing and then did some thinking about you and some of our other blogging cat friends today and was remembering how sweet you were to us about this time last year...well, you are sweet all the time...but you were super-sweet a year ago.

we miss Caeser too...thank you for leaving such a nice message on Stormie's blog a little while back

Castle and his Meowmie xx

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Prinnie and Pierro!! Thanks for stopping by!!! ((((((HUGS to you both!!!))) Mom has been blogging, but not much commenting! Lots of stuff has been happening!! We so love your quotes!! They are very up lifting!! Have a great weekend!
Your FL furiends,

L. Alida said...

Hi my sweet curly kitties! It was so nice of you to visit! I have been so behind! I am so happy Prinnie is feeling better. I loved hearing her meow. Pierro, Toeshee about tears the house apart if there is a fly that has come in. He throws himself into his hunting full steam.
I wish it would warm up a bit here. It has been raining lots here too. It's very green, but our roses won't bloom!
How exciting for Blizzie to go to Paris! Outdoor cafes with coffee and French pastries, museums, shopping... How fun!
You are in my thoughts and I send you lots of hugs!

Karen Jo said...

We have had lots of rain, too, and it isn't even the official rainy season yet. I am liking it, because it means that I don't have to water the yard. Bugs are great fun, Pierro. They are like toys that move by themselves.

Boy n Beethoven said...

Oh bugs! I loves them Pierro! When I first camed here, the Giant Kitty taught me how to nom bugs. At first I thought they had a weird taste and they always make me gag. But the Giant Kitty tells me to keep on nomming and I did. And now I do not gag at the taste of the bugs anymore and they is great fun!


Ingrid said...

Then I can only say we are sitting in the same boat, it rains cats and dogs here too, and it's cold ! call this summer !

The Oceanside Animals said...

Bugs: Breakfast of Champions!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Hi Princess..we've missed visiting you and Pierro.
We are getting a lot of rain around Atlanta, but need it real bad.
Happy Weekend!
~ Noah and The Bunch

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahaha!! Pierro,you and Tillie would get along. She likes bugs too!!!!
Hello Pretty Princess!!!
We had rain for 3 days. It finally stopped today :)I know what you mean about being tired.I sleep a lot too.
I bet you must be missing Caesar more and more now. You will see him soon. For now,I am happy you are being spoiled by your Mom. As long as you are happy,that is all that matters :)
Hugs to my sweet friend{{{{{HUGS}}}
Purrs & Headbutts,Mickey

Luna ( from Brazil ) said...

Hello dear Pierro and Princess
I hope you have a sunny week there!
Great pictures!
purrs and love

Poppy Q said...

Yup it is raining here too. I think it must be raining all over the world.

I love your moonchair, you two look so cosy.


Anonymous said...

You two are the sweetest and cutest.Have a great Sunday....Hugs

Luna und Luzie said...

Dear Prinnie and dear Pierro. You both looks very cute and frootbatty today.
Here we also have much rain, storm and thunder. We don´t feel like summer here.
Hope the weather improves soon!!!
purrs and Hugs
Luna, Luzie and Olli