Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thurzday ~where's my secretary?


mom is going to grammie and grampie today. They live in annapoliss meruhlind.
She is going to bring some flowers for grammie's garden, she is going to go to the doc with grammie because grammie says she is sick of her pills. She is going to bring some hugely printed out sudokus for grampie, and lots of other surprises.

She is going to eat a lot of cookies, as usual. She comes from a family of serious life long dedicated cookie eaters, so cookie consumption will be mandatory and plentiful.

Daddy works at home... so he gets to take care of us.
I hope I will be able to blog for tomorrow.
We are just soooo ready for Frootbat Friday.
If I do not get to blog tomorrow... well then . . . .
maybe Saterday!
Happy May Day!
Happy Birthday Gretchen!
Happy Birthday Auntie Stinkie

I love you, my furrriends

Two kwotes for today...

Wherever you go,
no matter what the weather,

always bring your own sunshine.

~Anthony J. D'Angelo

If you don't get everything you want,
think of the things you don't get
that you don't want.

~Oscar Wilde


Jimmy Joe said...

I like the way you stare down the stairs, Princess, very expectantly, hee hee!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dear Prinnie,

We hopes your secreatrry doez not gets sick on cookiez!!! But den what da heck, we iz all gonna gets sick on nip at Auntie Stinkie's Sweet Sixteen Birfday!!!
She will wants you to tellyport oevfur tomorrow & justee hangz out.
Don'ts worry abouts not hazzin' a typist... we can handle it witout dem fur one day!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope she does not eat too many cookies. I also hope that you get to visit everyone and blog with just your male human.

Karen Jo said...

Happy May Day to you, too, Princess. I hope your Mom has a wonderful time with Grammie and Grandpie and eats all the cookies she wants. Your quotes are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Are there carrot cake cookies???

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Happy May Day Prinnie and Pierro! We hope your mom enjoys her cookies!

Ramses said...

Oh that sudoku stuff is contagious or addictive 'cause My Mummy can hardly put her's down long enough to fuss me, groom me, feed me, cuddle me, cook me yummy dinners and make sure Dad and D'boy don't starve. Then she has to do the same for all the other cats and kittens, but I just know she spends too much time at the sudoku! ;)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Happy May Day Princess!


Happy May Day to you too Prinny and Pierro!


Ingrid said...

So your secretary takes off on labor day ! that's something, lol ! The 1st of May in labor day here in Belgium and Arthur should give Lillies of the valley but he is too lazy !

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Happy May Day !

That is a very cute shot of you looking down the stairs!

L. Alida said...

Prinnie, I hope you and Pierro have a fun May Day. I think I saw a picture of your Mommy once and she is tiny! :) She can enjoy all the cookies she wants, lucky girl. I love sweets too. And I really love sweet kitties like you!
Hugs and Purrs,
Yay, Miss Peach is home! :)

Daisy said...

I see you up there Prinnie! Happy May Day to you and Pierro. My Mommie used to do Sudoku puzzles all the time, but she hasn't done them for a while.

Lux said...

I hope your mom has a great visit with her beans!

I see you up there - you look cute!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

You look so pretty on the stairs! ~Queen Snickers

Parker said...

Happy May Day Pretty Prinnie!

PB 'n J said...

Happy May day to you Prinnie - we hope you have a lovely day!

Mommy loved your quotes for the day - they were very nice.

MaoMao said...

We always love yur quotes! I hope yur Momma has a great trippie and that she enjoys the cookies! Our momma loves cookies, too!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mr. Hendrix said...

what great quotes. i hope your mommy has a nice trip and your grandma feels better. it is nice your daddy is home every day. mommy works from hom 2-3 days a week and i love those days.

puuuuuuurrrrrs to a lovely weekend to you all!

Anonymous said...

I hope your Mommy has a great trip, dear Prinnie, and wow, little Pierro is growing so fast! *smile*

Sending love to you, and I hope you have a great weekend!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Princess, you are very lucky to have such a nice momma bean!