Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Whitecat Wednesday

I love being all white.

Life is different here.
Pierro is a wild monkey.
He got in trubble two times yesterday.
Mom caught him digging in the plant pots playing in the dirt. He got in trubble for that.
He also got in trubble for licking in the sugar bowl.

I like having a little kitten boy around. His food is really yummy.
Well, *blush* I think it might be.
Okay, well... yesterday morning, while Pierro was very busy downstairs getting into trubble,
mommie filled his upstairs bowl with a fresh pile of kitten crunchies. . .
and about an hour later... his bowl was completely empty.
Well, I was not caught eating them, so really I did not do that.
Even though mommie saw me walking out of his room.
I have no idea what kitten crunchies taste like.... I was looking at his new toys, that's all.

The only thing wrong with doing nothing is that you never know when you're finished.
~Author Unknown


DK & The Fluffies said...

If they don't see you, you didn't eat it!

Lux said...

Oh Prinnie, you're so pretty in your white furs!

I think Pierro snuck upstairs and ate those crunchies when nobean was looking!

Tigmut'hep said...

Yes, I know exactly what you mean here Prinnie. I have no idea what kitten crunchies taste like and equally no idea why my bottom has been growing wider of late and the kitten crunchies disappear so fast! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, that is quite silly of them to think you'd know what kitten crunchies taste like, Princess. You're a grown up, dignified LadyCat, after all.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hello Pretty Princess!!!!! <3
You look so lovely in white :)
Maybe the kitty crunchies appeal to the kitten in you ;)
(not that you did anything ;) )
There are benefits to having Pierro aroung,heeheehee.
Thanks for the tag too :)
Purrs Mickey

The Furry Fighter said...

thank you for coming by my blog and wishing me means alot to me, to know what a special friend i have. fingers crossed that ben vet will mend me! xxx

LZ said...

Frootbat kitten!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you remember the days when you and Caesar made certain mischief. I've never had kitten crunchies, I've eaten the same dry food my whole life as its cat/kitten food. Just tell your mom its good for you!


Cynthia Blue said...

Very very pretty!

Boy said...

Of course you were onwy wooking at his toys! We sometimes have the case of the missing baby kitty cwunchies over here too. Wonder if Knot Mee been to your house as well as mine?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Prinnie, I think that if you did not eat the kitty crunchies then you are shirking your duties. After all if you aren't supposed to eat something, you simply MUST do it--to show your independence you know.

catsynth said...

You have very pretty white fur. Such a contrast to Luna's black. We're all about contrasts today :)

Daisy said...

It sounds like "wild monkey" is the perfect description for little Pierro!

The Furry Kids said...

EG got in trouble this morning, too. Momma even said, "You SNOT!" to him. hehe

I really don't think that you ate the kitten kibbles. If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? hehe

Your pal,

PB 'n J said...

If there's no evidence that you ate it Princess, then you didn't do it (but make sure not to get caught)!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Miss Princess you can do no wrong! You would never know what his kitten crunchies taste like! Just like I have no idea what puppy crunchies taste like! :D ~Queen Snickers

Unknown said...

Oh Princess you are such a beautiful white kitty!

I think Pierro must have run upstairs really quickly and ate his kitten food - how else could it disappear ; )

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Why would you knows what kitten crunchies taste like? Yoo don't eat those.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

We believe you princess!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I like ta dig in plant dirt. I like ta dig in anything. The Big Thing hadda bucket of "aquarium gravel" deep inna closet. I dug in that too.

Oh, that food thing? If ya dont get seen, "it didnt happen"...

L. Alida said...

Oh, oh, Prinnie! I have heard that,"If you didn't see me I didn't do it" from Cricket. :) But, you are so pretty and innocent, I believe you.
Hugs and Purrs sweetie,

meemsnyc said...

You are beautiful all white Princess!

Yum kitten food, that must be tasty stuff!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dear Prinnie,

I tink dat kitten cruncheez mustee be da bestee ting in da world. If da miss-teree eater in your household likes dem so muchee dats dey disappearz on dere own, den I yam really sure I would like dem!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Princess, we are sure that you don't know anything about the missing kitty crunchies! Pierro must have zipped up the stairs ate all the food and zipped back down! Yep that's what we believe!
Your FL furiends,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am sure it's just disappear~~~ HEHEHEHE~~~~

You are so so cute, Princess~!!

I am so happy to know your little brother is very wild, means he is very healthy, that is very good news~!!

Thanks for your sweet comments to Michico, she is very safe with me now~!

Karen Jo said...

I am sure that you know absolutely nothing about any missing kitten crunchies, Princess. We all know how fast kittens are. Pierro must have eaten them himself.

Poppy Q said...

Awww I am glad you enjoyed the kitten snack. Well done Princess.

Parker said...

Dear Pretty Prinnie,
I know for a fact that if they did not see you, you did not do it.
Toy-inspection is all it was, yup, yup, yup...

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Your whiteness is amazing!

Monty Q. Kat said...

I believe you!

Anonymous said...

Ssshhht ! just between us, was it good ?? When I gave senior food to Lisa her bowl was empty very quickly and I wondered why Rosie was leaking her whiskers ...

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Of course YOU didn't eat any! Pierro must be so quick that they didn't see him run up there and back down!

Um...that sounds good.

Lux said...

Princess - on that scrapbook page, they're both the same pictures (the bottom one is the upright one actually). Mom turned my face upside down (on the top one) so beans wouldn't have to get into weird positions! :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

You stick to your story, beautiful!
Unless you are caught in the act, you did not do it. There's no proof.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We believe you. Course you didn't do it, it wuz that introoder kitty called Knot Mee that keeps trying to get innocent kitties in trouble.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

You are beautiful...white kitty Princess! I'm all white too...I like to lie on anything white cause then I'm invisable!

Hey, you didn't eat them cause they didn't catch you!!

Forty Paws said...

Oh yeah. Kitten crunchies are much better because of all the protein and fat in them!!! Yummy!

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