Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wordless Wednesday + a quote

Make the most of yourself,
for that is all there is of you.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a good quote! You look very handsome lying there in the sun, Caesar. :) My mom loves your curly fur. :)

Parker said...

How does your Mommy get anything done when you lay there with that rubbable belly?

LZ said...

Lovely sun spot and lovely quote. Its so true that you have to make the most out of things or else who will?


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, happiness is a warm spot of sun to lay in.

Daisy said...

Caesar, you might need to move over soon, because you are almost out of the sunshine! I hope you have a happy and sunny day.

Anonymous said...

You look so content there in the sun. I see that hide paw splaying out like it's a good sun spot!

Karen Jo said...

You found a good sunspot, Caesar. It looks like it's trying to get away from you, though. I like the quote very much.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice quote.

MaoMao said...

You look so handsum layin' there in that sunspot, Caesar! You and Prinnie are both rays of sunshine, ya know that? ((((huggies))) and Momma loves that quote!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mickey's Musings said...

Snoozing in the box of sunlight.How sweet it is!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Artsy picture, Caesar! An we liked the "Tuckered Tuxie" one yesterday, too!

We need better places here for our pictures to be taken. Everyplace in the cave is kinna boring...

Skeeter and LC

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

yoo haf found yourself a very good sunspot furr napping in.

Skeezix the Cat said...

That's a nice qwote! And a grate pikcher!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This looks like Tuckered Tuxie Wednesday. :)

We like the quote!

Have a great day tomorrow. :)

-Hugs from Holland

Andree said...

Wonderful quote; I need to put that everywhere I go. But your kitty! I am always stunned with how beautiful she is.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I love this quote as well. I love seeing you lay down there to enjoy the sun~

Poppy Q said...

That's a nice quote. Thanks for visiting my blog. My birthday isn't til the 14th of October, but I am starting my birthday month of celebrations now - thanks for wishing me the best.

I hope you has a nice nap in the sun.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Yes you are right with your quote Caesar...we have one wild and crazy life...make the ride worthwhile:)
Love Peach

Forty Paws said...

Hi Handsome Caesar!

We lufs Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

豆豆聊天室aio交友愛情館2008真情寫真2008真情寫真aa片免費看捷克論壇微風論壇plus論壇080視訊聊天室情色視訊交友90739做愛成人圖片區080豆豆聊天室 台中情人聊天室桃園星願聊天室高雄網友聊天室新中台灣聊天室中部網友聊天室嘉義之光聊天室中壢網友聊天室南台灣聊天室南部聊坊聊天室台南不夜城聊天室南部網友聊天室屏東網友聊天室台南網友聊天室屏東聊坊聊天室網路學院聊天室屏東夜語聊天室一網情深聊天室流星花園聊天室真愛宣言交友聊天室上班族f1影音視訊聊天室哈雷視訊聊天室080影音視訊聊天室援交聊天室080080哈啦聊天室台北已婚聊天室已婚廣場聊天室 夢幻家族聊天室摸摸扣扣同學會聊天室520情色聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室拉子性愛聊天室柔情網友聊天室哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音視訊聊天室櫻井莉亞三點全露寫真集123上班族聊天室尋夢園上班族聊天室成人聊天室上班族080上班族聊天室6k聊天室粉紅豆豆聊天室080豆豆聊天網新豆豆聊天室080聊天室免費音樂試聽流行音樂試聽免費aa片試看美女交友聊天室色色網聊天室交友情人視訊網0401成人交友080哈拉聊天室成人交友聊天室嘟嘟成年人網洪爺成人影片嘟嘟成人網免費視訊免費視訊聊天A片免費a長片線上看色情貼影片免費a長片本土成人貼圖站大台灣情色網台灣男人幫論壇A圖網嘟嘟成人電影網火辣春夢貼圖網情色貼圖俱樂部台灣成人電影絲襪美腿樂園18美女貼圖區柔情聊天網707網愛聊天室聯盟台北69色情貼圖區38女孩情色網台灣映像館波波成人情色網站美女成人貼圖區無碼貼圖力量色妹妹性愛貼圖區日本女優貼圖網日本美少女貼圖區亞洲風暴情色貼圖網哈啦聊天室美少女自拍貼圖辣妹成人情色網台北女孩情色網辣手貼圖情色網AV無碼女優影片男女情色寫真貼圖a片天使俱樂部萍水相逢遊戲區平水相逢遊戲區免費視訊交友90739免費視訊聊天辣妹視訊 - 影音聊天網 080視訊聊天室日本美女肛交美女工廠貼圖區百分百貼圖區亞洲成人電影情色網台灣本土自拍貼圖網麻辣貼圖情色網好色客成人圖片貼圖區711成人AV貼圖區台灣美女貼圖區筱萱成人論壇咪咪情色貼圖區momokoko同學會視訊kk272視訊情色文學小站成人情色貼圖區嘟嘟成人網嘟嘟情人色網 - 貼圖區免費色情a片下載台灣情色論壇成人影片分享免費視訊聊天區微風 成人 論壇kiss文學區taiwankiss文學區自拍美女聊天室日本成人短片