Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Toys Toozday

Here are two toys that Caesar and I play with most of the time.

We have some others but we like these two.

The bloo one, our big bean sister made for us. It has catnip inside!

Mom is going out visiting all day. She is driving to Warrenton to see a friend, eat some food in a bean restaurant, and shop for toys of her own!
She just left!
When she comes home, she has to make dinner for us, give Caesar his flooids and then go to her french class.

I hope you have a wondermous day today.
We will try to visit tomorrow.
Love and purrrs

Life is a shipwreck
but we must not forget to sing
in the lifeboats.



Daisy said...

I have a mouse just like the first one, and you can put a catnip teabag like thing inside! It is very fun. But I especially like your wonderful blue fishie because it was made with love just for you!

Parker said...

I really like your toys, and the fact that the fishie was made for you even makes it more special! Are you getiing ready for a nappy in your bloo blankie Prinnie?

LZ said...

Those are nice toys. We have certain toys we like too.


The Meezers or Billy said...

those toys look like fun!

Luna und Luzie said...

Your toy is great with cat nip in it. We would like to play with you :-)

Your mom is looking for toys for herself !?! In the new blog of our mom she can see the toys of her :
You looks so cute there Prinnie !!!
Purrs and hugs to you

Anonymous said...

I like your toys. I hope you have a good day, even though your Momma is going to be gone!

Karen Jo said...

Drat, I can't see the pictures. I hope you have a delightful day.

Anonymous said...

Those a some cool toys. The mousie one looks very real. We hope you mom has fun today.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We like your toys - especially the blue fishy one. Maybe your mom will bring you home some toys from her adventures today!

The Furry Fighter said...

ise can't see the pictures, they won't load for me :(
hope you and your meowmie have a wonderful day today - will miss you my friends. is you mum eating beans in the bean restaurant? x

Anonymous said...

I really need some new toys.

MaoMao said...

Those are superduper toys! And how neat that yur big sistur bean made the second one.

Lotsa big kittyhuggies and purrs from MaoMao!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i like yer toyz ...
mi brudder mickey espeshullee likez yer mowsie!

Lux said...

Prinnie, you look beautiful in that blue blanket ... your toys look like they're lots of fun!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

You've got some great toys there, you two! Prinnie, that's a sweet photo of you with your bloo blankie!
Hope you had a fabulous day!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Forty Paws said...

Those are great toys!

Hi Prinnie under the bloo blanket!

Luf, Us

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah these 2 toys are very lovely to me as well~!!! That is fall of love and careness work~!!!! I love it~!!!

And Princess, this photo of you just like you are smiling~!!!! It's sweet, I hope you and Caesar also have a great wonderful day, today~!!!!!!!!

Ramses said...

Your toys look great, though Mummy says I'm to young for catnip yet...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Really cool-lookin toys!

Skeeter and LC

Anonymous said...

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