Here it is the meme that has been speading around like the chicken pox,
....whatever that is.Here are our favorites:Time of day: Princess: morning, afternoonie, and evening
Caesar: I do not know the time, so whenever....
mom: mornings and bed time.
Day of the Week: Princess: every day that I am still breathing
Caesar: now every day is the same because daddy works at home
Mom: I like Tuesday's and Thursday's
Season of the year: Princess: Summer because it is soooo sunny, winter because the heaters are blasting!
Caesar: I like winter. Our house is freeeezing in summer, brrrrrr
mom: Fall
Holiday: Prinnie: any occasion that involves
cake and pressies
Caesar: agreed
Mom: ditto
Beaches: P + C: hmmmmm . . . . .
mom: Bethany Beach, Delaware
Song: We usually have classical or jazz playing on the radio here... or Blizzie or mommie playing the piano
mom: no favorites, just pleeeeez no rap or hippity hop
Flower: C + P: roses smell really nice
mom: I like all kinds of flowers but I cannot have them inside. They make me sneeeeze
I like tulips
and these purple things too
Talk Show: C + P: huh?
mom: wha?
Movie: C + P: anything that gets the warm laps.
mom: Lord of the Rings. Pride and Prejudice (both versions)
Soaps: C + P + mom: no soaps here
Beverage: C + P: H2O
mom: coffeeeee, vitamin water, chocolate milk
Fruit: C + P: icky
mom: apples, strawberries, pears, pineapple
Snack: C + P: pepperidge farm cheeese fishies please
mom: triscuits with cheese
Food: C + P: Fancy Feast
mom: anything except clams, squishy fishy things, lima beans and collard greens
Restaurant: C + P: our house!
mom: Blue Ridge Grill in Leesburg, Virginia
Okay that was easy.
Have a great Friday!!
The only people with whom
you should try to get even,
are those who have helped you.