Friday, December 9, 2011

Frootbatty Friday

Pierro: hey bonks kitties. My dear brofur Miles and I just hung our stockings on the tree.

Miles: We are all set to bronk and be good kitties until Krissmiss

Pierro: Happy Frootbat Friday!

here is a kwote for our mom
who just celebrated her birthday yesterday:

When I was younger,
I could remember anything,
whether it had happened or not;
but my faculties are decaying now
and soon I shall be so I cannot remember
any but the things that never happened.

~~Mark Twain
(hoo-bronk is that ever true :-P )

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mancat Monday

Pierro: Get ready Miles, here it comes.
Miles: I am a mancat now, and I will be brave and bronk the indignity of wearing Krismiss clothes

Pierro: I will only wear a hat and sit nicely with a bunch of bonkie Krismiss stockings for now, mom

Small deeds done are better than
great deeds planned.

~Peter Marshall