Friday, February 15, 2013

Frootbat Friday

Frootbat Friday Greetings what a busy week we had. 
I am glad to have a week-end to rest up
and bonkbonk recharge!!

We are going to have a bronk great fun week-end
and we hope all of you do as well

Success is never final,
Failure is never fatal.
It's courage that counts!
Go do it!

Frootbat  Friday Twofer:

and a reason will come along!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mancat Monday

Pierro: It is Monday, kitties! back to work for Miles and me.

Miles: I am so glad we can start off the day with our 
planning meeting in the sun
Pierro:  and then a bonkbonk snack

and a little bronkiebronk nappie

Thanks for the purrs and well wishes.
I am feeling a little bit better, back on the tummy medicine but
I am able to put in a full day of bonkbonk work

'Do not worry if others do not understand you. 
Worry if you do not understand them.' 

- Confucius