Friday, July 27, 2012

Frootbat Friday

BonkHappy Friday kitties!
Have you noticed the time goes much faster these days?
Mom says back in the days of olden, they were longer.

Well, one day this week I spent the whole day searching for some of my olden toys.
I found them

It is so nice to bonk around with old toys

I like sitting and staring at walls. I know there is something going on in there...

then mom thinks maybe we have termites or a bee nest.
She comes close to check (and take a picture of me)
and I bronk into action!!

Apparently there is nothing
that cannot happen today.

~Mark Twain

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mancat Monday

Pierro: Monday mancatly greetings, kitties!

Miles and I did the whole house inspections and now we are discussing our findings.

Miles: My important job today is to keep track of the kitchen
while Pierro teases the doggies next door

Have a bonkbonk day!

Many of our fears are tissue-paper thin,
and a single courageous step
would carry us clear through them.

~Brendan Francis

step out of your fear!