Friday, September 5, 2008

Froots and flowers

Well, this week-end we are going to get heavy rains and winds from the hurricane Hanna.
so that means rain rain rain and lots of tv and home baked goods
(we are far enough inland that it will not effect us directly [No. Va]) however Blizzie is in Williamsburg!!

I love home baked goods.
if you click on this photo you can see Pierro, he really blends into the sunny ledge.

Here are two spiff sunflower pictures from mom's garden.

Have a wonderful and happy week-end

Pierro and I also want to say good bye rest well to Texas the kitty.

we know that Caesar was there at the bridge to lead him to forever happiness

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
The government that can do
everything for us,
is the same government that will
take everything from us!
Abe Lincoln

PS: Pierro and I have received many wonderful awardies this past few weeks.
Thank you so very very much. we are really honored to have them. I will try to get them up next week!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

White Cat Wednesday

Happy Day everycat!
Today is going to be boiling hot here... but mom is going to venture out and go for a skate
she wants to see her rink friends today too

I hope your day is fine and dandy!

You may not know me,
but I know everything about you

Psalms 139:1

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mancat Monday ~ Caesar + Canmat-in-Braining ~ Pierro

Caesar tested this ruggie before Blizzie took it to kollege

I tested it last week to make sure
it was still good for Blizzie to take to kollege

Good manners will open doors
that the best education cannot.

~Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Justice