Friday, August 31, 2012

Frootbat Friday

Pierro: Happy Frootbatbonk Friday kitties
Today Miles and I have already had two important meetings
while you were sleeping in your softie bed.
Come have some bonkbonk cattynippy tea with us

Miles: we have been up since o'dark bronkie

and now we want to show you
this round box we discovered ...

this is a special box mom made
She made this to put her sewing threads in
so we would not take them from her...
my paws do not fit in that star
without getting pinched

Pierro: this one has a flower hole - extra pricky

I think she saves her sewing threads and fabric bits the same way
she scoops our litter box and saves our poops in a bag forever in the garage.
Miles and I think mom might be a hoarder.

Miles: This is bronkie disturbing.
We are going to take a nap now
Happy week-end kitties, and keep snoopervising

Liberty is to the collective body,
what health is to every individual body.
Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man;
without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society.

~Thomas Jefferson

It does not matter where you came from,
it only matters where you are going.

~Condoleezza Rice

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Mancats

Pierro: Happy Mancat Monday kitties
Today I am helping mom with the towels. She cleaned them, and now I will help her when she brings them upstairs and dumps them onto her big softie bed
... well, I will be ready bonkbonk for that!

Miles: Today my bronkie job is to keep daddy's chair warm and safe

It is soooo comfy here

Have an adventure filled day!

Most of us can read the writing on the wall;
we just assume it's addressed
to someone else.

~Ivern Ball