Friday, April 15, 2011

Frootbat Friday and ECG update below

Well, today is the day I have to go for my heartbeep tests.
Keep those purrs coming, and really bonk them up at 12:00 noon eastern bonkstandard time.

Mom is going to take me to the heartcheck place, and even bring some of my toys and snacks for me. As long as mom can stay with me the whole time, I think I can get through this.


I do not get to come along. I wish I could, I would be a big helper for the doctors, and I love my brother so much, I want to beee with him. Dad says I have to stay home and help him. He has two meetings in his office today.

I can't wait for Pierro to come home so we can play!

Bonkbronkie Frootbat Friday to all of our wonderful kitty friends
thanks loads for the bonks and purrs too!

~~great news. (wow, it was $$expensive$$) Pierro's heart is just great.
Pierro saw a great cardiologist and he did an ECG. It was really cool!!!
Pierro does have a murmur but it is not a bad one - it just sort of appears when he is upset such as being at the torture place. He does not need any special attention or treatment. Thank you thank you thank you so much for all of the purrs and prrrayers, they worked!!

When they discover
the center of the universe,

a lot of people will be very disappointed
to discover they are not it.

~~Bernard Bailey

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Mancats

Hello happy Monday kitties!

This morning, Miles and I decided
to switcheroo our offices

Hey Miles how are things going down there?

Miles: yeah I am ready to switch back right now

Pierro: well, thank you Miles,
you got my bed nicely warmed up for me.

It is nice and warm up here too!
We make a great mancat team, Pierro

Happpppy Monday!
It is going to be a bonkie week
full of sunshine and funbronk days

If you wish to succeed in life,
make perseverance your bosom friend,

experience your wise counselor,
caution your elder brother,
and hope your guardian genius.

- Joseph Addison