Caesar: we are waiting.
One day we would love to do a thursday 13... but mommie is driving us nuts over here.
She is in the "May Panic" mode.
Our big bean sister Chrytabelle, is graduating from kollig in 18 days... in Willyaamsburg, Virginia at the kollig of Willyaam and Merrryy or something like that. She is super smart. so mommie is going bananas about going to the graduation, what to wear!! and all sorts of other non-important things, like parties and invitashins and cleening the house!
Also, next week she has to bring the baby Blizzie bean home from her kollig in PeeAy.
Suffice to say, mommie is driving us nuts and what is she doing today?
no, not planning a graduation party, no, not making a packing details list, no not making a list of important things for Slow Sarah to know about when she comes over to take care of us while they are gone to Willyaamsburg. no. she is....
skating >O_O<
the nerve!We hope you have a very happy day today.
Love, Caesar
What is right, is not always popular,
what is popular
is not always right.