Guess what dear friends?
Please do not be crestfallen
Please do not turn on the waterworks and howl
Please do not go home sad and dejected.
Miles has a tummy ache and he is not feeling so good, so...
everycat and bean has to wait a week.
This is a disappointment butsunny days are ahead and now we have another exciting week to anticipate
our new orange kitten.
We do not want Miles to come to our house and be a bit sickish and also not have his mommie or brothers or Missie CurlieSwirlie Teri. That would be three scary things and those are big things to a tiny orange kitten.
Just thinking about it makes me feel like crying.
In the meantime, I will continue to work on my mancat big brother skills and
(mom says you have to click to biggify this one)
test out all of the napping areas.
I will check the toys and I can even show you some pictures next week of Miles' room!
How about that? I could not do that if Miles was here!
I could not barge into his little kitten nursery and frighten him with my huge pounding paws.
--so now we have another week to prepare.
I am a mancat. I can deal with this.
Alas, Blizzie's surgery is STILL on for Thursday the 20th at 11:00am sharp meow meow
BonkBonkBonks to all of my greatest furriends
Happy Friday!
Every disappointment
gives you opportunity
to make another appointment.
gives you opportunity
to make another appointment.