Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Whitecat Wednesday or Thursday...

yeah, that works.

Today Miral and I have our picture at The Red Carpet Buzz.
You can see us. Miral is a really nice cornish friend.
We went shopping yesterday at the Cornish Closet, an exclusive boutique for - um, pretty girls and we found our beautiful dresses.
I love my dress. We are pretty girls.

Here is one of my noo beds.
I love this one. It is pink and fuzzy, surrounded by my bloo blankie.
I love it.

if you click on this picture
You can see me really good and close up.

mommie is moody here and she has been very tired.
sometimes we feel like visiting bloggies but we don't comment. I am sorry about that.
We love reading your bloggies.

Blizzie is home from kollij for a few days. yeah, she gotted an A in her accounting class (j-term) even though she hated the class. mommie and daddy say they never got an A in any class they hated..... Blizzie is a sooper brain.
Oh... She is taking me to the vetlady on Saturday at 11:30 for a check up and teeth cleaning and evaluation. I am not happy to hear this news. I feel fine.
hmmmm - I should hide... where should I hide?????

I love you friends.
Once again, thank you so much for your kindnesses and caring.

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.

~Lucius Annaeus Seneca,

Monday, January 28, 2008

Caesar's Mancat Monday

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
love leaves a memory no one can steal.

~originally for Mancat Monday January 21, 2008

Happy Monday Everycat!
check out my curlie furrs

Being a mancat, means taking over the tent so I can do mancat stuff.

For example... spread out and have a purrrfectly wondermous nap
you can click on these pictures to see my hugeness!

Take care of the minutes,
for the hours will take care of themselves.

~Lord Chesterfield

Thank you everycat and bean for your love and prayers.
Your sweet and encouraging words have provided hope for healing for us.

Blizziekins did come home for the week-end and it was the greatest thing for mommie.... and me, and Blizzie too.
She needed to come home. (she went back to kollij Sunday PM to take her accounting exam, a class that she hates despite the fact that she will receive an A for the final grade)
Mommie is actually eating again and getting some rest.
Thank you so much for your caring friendship.

If you don't mind... from time to time... we might share a few personal tributes here for our dear Caesar. He is greatly missed. We think it might help us heal and accept this new life we are forced to carry on without him, his headbuts, his happy meows, his butt on fire racing around even with his stiff oldman legs, sleeping on the kitchen table, and just generally getting into everything and ontop of everything. . He was such a playful, affectionate and attentive boykitty. We have many stories that we have remembered this past week, that we would like to share some time.

We found such absolutely beautiful tributes on many of your
bloggies and we copied them and mommie printed a few out, they were so stunningly lovely and thoughtful.
We are comforted by your care.