Saturday, May 26, 2007

Oh my oh my oh my

Sad sad sad sad.
Prinnie: Helpp help help
mommie can not deal with this . . . .

The vet lady called and told us the results of the tests they did on Caesar last week Wednesday.
Caesar has the following:
Kidney Disease.

He already has been diagnosed with heart murmur a few years ago.
So, now mommie and Caesar and Blizzie are going to the vet lady next Wednesday to learn how to give Caesar fluids with an injection everyday, and give him meds and special foods.

Mommie is freaking out.
Mommie is freaking out.
Mommie is freaking out.

her heart is breaking. I wish she would stop crying. It is giving me a headache!


FelineFrisky said...

Oh! Poor Mommie! I can imagine how upset she must be. Kidney disease is a tough illness for kitties.

Tell Caesar that I am thinking of him and hope he gets thru this adjustment just fine.

I know you;ll watch over him for us.

D :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Awe, poor baby. Mommy duzent know dat much about kidney disease but der are other kitties out there living wif it and we bet der mom's will be happy to help yoo. We'll say lots of purrayers fur Caesar and yoor mommy too.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, i'm so sorry to hear bout this. i also finks there be other cats livin wif this. i's posted a notice on tha Cat Blogosphere so u's get lots of support 'n purr-rayers fur all of u's.

And i's puttin u's all on tha Pet Prayer & Praise bloggie, too.

Just know u's not alone, u's got about a squillion cat bloggers wif u's.

Love & Purrs & Purr-rayers,

Daisy said...

I am very sorry that Caesar has kidney disease. Caesar is a very brave boy, so I know he will be able to handle this. My Mommie says giving subcutaneous fluids is not too hard, so try not to be too nervous about it (she does it all the time at the shelter).

Pixie and I are thinking of you, and sending hugs and purrs.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Mrs Caeser's Mommy: we is so sorry to hear about Caeser. Mommy says that the ferst time you gif the fluids will be the hardest, but as long as you keep finking about how much it will help Caeser, you can do it. You can send our mommy email anytime you need 'couragement, 'acause she didded this for lots of monfs when The One Who Came Before needed SubQ Fluids. Please know that we is all here rooting for you and Caeser and we will all help you get frough this. We knows that it's furry furry hard.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear this troubling news. Our Momma says, with all the cat bloggers, someone is sure to be able to help. We are sending a lot of purrs your way.


Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, sad news! But have hope! Our mom had a kitty before us with kidney disease. She had to give her fluids every day, but she lived several years with that treatment. She didn't go over the bridge until she was 23 years old! So hang in there, Caesar & Mommy and think positive!

By the way, our kitty loved getting her fluids. She would just crawl up on Mom's lap and nap through it.

& everybody at Artsy Catsy

HRH Yao-Lin said...

ooooh I am so so so so sorry to hear that. At least it is treatable and that is the main thing. I hope your human feels better once she has spoken to the vet - i am sure she will

love and purrs

Yao-Lin & Baby Mao xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Caesar, where sorry to hear about yer kidney problems. Tell yer mum to try not to worry to much about the injections. They're not so bad. Our mum had to give the injections to Kitty Yumbum and she went on furr anuvver five years after she wuz diagnosed wiv kidney disease.We're sending yoo purrrrs and (((hugs))). Don't furrget we're all finking of yoo.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

*hugs to Caesar* I'm so sorry to hear about this, kidney disease is really really tough to deal with. But it's so good now that there are treatments so that Caesar can live a good quality of life for some years!!

Anonymous said...

We're furry sorry to hear about this,but we're very sure that with your meowmy's help, Caeser will keep living a happy life wif you and her for a long time!
The Feline Sextet

Fat Eric said...

Ohh, I am sorry to hear that Caesar is not well. But, like the other kitties said, there are other cats living with this disease and doing well for ages with the right treatment. Be hopeful, I am sure your vet will help you to figure out the right treatment.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh how my eyes are leaking over this news! I also have kindney I know how hard this can be for you Caesar....and your mommy...and Princess. This is something that can be helped. Knowing that so many of us care and love you is comforting in a world that is so very full of sad things.
God always finds a way to make it good fuuur and hope<><
Love you much, Miss Peach >(^,^)<

Just Ducky said...

Caesar this is not a happy thing. We are sending lots of purrs to you and your family. Try to cooperate with your mum when she gives you the treatments. Purrs.

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh we's sorry to heer you's got kidney disease. We'll send yoo lotsa purrs and to yore Mommy too so maybe she won't leak so much and Prinnie too. Try not to be skeered, yore Mommy is doin efurryfing to help and like the ofur kitties said, it can help lots fur a long time.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

Parker said...

Aw, we are so sorry! Mommy wants to say something now .Hi Caesars Mommy. Parker's Mommy here. I hope this might make you feel better, there are a lot of things that can be done for your precious boy, I am sure your Vet will instruct you as to what they are. As for the Sub Q fluids, I give them to kitties all the time at the shelter, and once you get the hang of it, it can be a very special time between you and Caesar. He can sit on your lap while you give them. Most of the kitties love the attention. It doesn't hurt them and they feel so much better after they get the fluids. It's really harder on you 'cause you are doing something new and strange and frightening to your beloved kitty. Kitties can live many years with Kidney disease.
We're here for you - and Caesar and Prinnie and Blizzie. Remember, he's with you now and that's the most important thing! Lots of love, you will be in our prayers!
Parker, Puff, Powder, Rudy and the Mommy.

Anonymous said...

OHHH NOOOOO! We do not like this news! But we are thankful that Ceasar has a Mom that will love him through this!

Phoebe said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your kidneys, Caesar. I sure hope that you feel much better with the fluids.

Ingrid said...

Sad news ! that's really the weak point with cats sooner or later it's always the kidneys. But I hope that Prinnie feels much better with the injections although it must be very hard for your mum to do that every day. But what wouldn't we do for our little darlings !

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh, Caesar, we are purring and purrayering for you and your Mom and Princess, too. Take the medicine like the brave kitty you are. We will keep you in our prayers.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Kimo and Sabi said...

We are sending you purrrrs and prayers!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Pleese don't cry! At least there's a treatment fur Caesar. He knows how much you love him an he doesn't want to make you sad. Purrs and hugs an all our strongest purrayers fur alla you!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Purrs and nose bumps to you

MaoMao said...

Awwwwww, ((((((Caesar and Prinnie's momma)))))) I'm so sorry Caesar has kidney disease, but I know you, his momma, will help him get through this, and it sounds like from what everykitty has said that it's furry, furry treatable.

Hang in there, and know we're thinkin' about you. We Ballicai love you guys and we're sendin' all of you humongous hugs and big ol' purrs.

MaoMao said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear this! Caesar is lucky to have a mom and a sister who love him so much. Hang in there and know our thoughts and love are with all of you.

Great big purrs and snuggles from Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Oops, the above comment was from me!



Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, Willow and I are sending over many strong prayers and purrs to you.

Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

The Furry Kids said...

{{{hugs}}} We're all sending lots of purrayers and pawsitive thoughts to all of you.

Titus, Tazo, EG, and their Mom

The Lee County Clowder said...

We're sorry to hear that. Sending healing purrss to Caesar, and {{huggss}} for all of you from all of us.

C & P's Mommie - you have a long weekend. Freak out for a while if it makes you feel better. :-)

Zoey and the furballs said...

We're furry sorry to hear this. Is it acute or chronic? I had acute and my test results are better now. I still get IV fluids about twice a week (I used to get them everyday). Mommy and Daddy trade off who gives them to me, but they say it's pretty easy. I don't have to take the medicine anymore, which Mommy says is a good thing because I didn't like taking it and would spit it out several times. I still have to eat the special food. Mommy freaked out quite a bit too so she understands how your Mommy feels. She says hang in there and if your Mommy needs anything, we're here for her.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. *hugs* Caesar, I am sending lots of healing purrs your way and keeping you in my prayers.

Rosemary and Prinnie, lots of hugs and purrs to you. The good news is that cats can live with chronic renal disease for many years. There are some wonderful resources on the web and some great support groups to, if you are interested.

Please take care of yourself and know that we are all thinking of you, praying for Caesar, and sending lots of purrs your way.

Tara said...

Oh Caesar, I so sorry to hear this! Be brave, your mom loves you very much, and you will feel so much better getting the fluids.

Rosemary, Mom and I are sending you lots of purrs and good thoughts. You can do this, your precious kitty depends on it. Be brave.


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

just stopped by to give a few ear licks to you...know i am thinking about you very special furrrrends...<><

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Caesar and Prinnie, I know you are very worried right now over Caesar, so only if you want to, I have tagged you for a meme. It might be sometime to take your mind off of your worries for a short period of time.

*hugs* *purrs*

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are very sorry that Caesar has kidney disease. The subQ fluids can help a lot. Hang in there. Purrs, hugs, and prayers.

Lux said...

Everyone has said what we feel, so all we want to do is give you all big hugs and purrs. And lots of white light.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

we are sending healing purrs and lots of purrayers too.
we are sure that cesar is a big brave boy and you all will manage this just fine.

hugs'n'kisses to all of you
Kashim & Othello

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh Caesar we are purring and purring for you to get better. the Vets are amazing in what they can do too! We are sending many many prayers for your Mama too. If your mama wants to chatter please have her email us. We are so sorry we are so late getting this news... we are feeling bad about it.

We send you our bestest purrs and love and hugs and scritches.

Love to you all...

Forty Paws said...

We're sorry to hear that Caesar has been diagnosed with Kidney Disease. As many people have already said, kitties can live a long time now with the proper diet, meds and sub-q fluids. And giving sub-q fluids isn't difficult once you get the hang of it. And it does perk the guys up a lot.

One thing you might consider if you haven't already, is putting more litter boxes around the house so that Caesar doesn't have to travel as far to find one. Some cats will start going in inappropriate spots when they have kidney disease, or when they start getting all that fluid pumped into them.

Luf, Us

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We are so sorry to hear that Caesar has kidney disease. Our big Maine Coon cat sister Precious got kidney disease when she was 18 and our mom gave her those fluids subcutaneously daily. Our mom is NOT medically oriented (not a natural nurturer--never had human babies), but she learned to use a needle for her beloved Precious. She lived to be 19. She was wonderfully tolerant of her treatment and sometimes would even purr during those private times with Mom.

Mom has a friend who had a kitty who lived about five or six years on those fluids, so please don't despair!


AbsoluteLeigh said...

We're so sorry to hear your sick Caesar :( Sending lots of purrs to you, princess and your mummy.