Friday, October 14, 2011

FrOOtbat Friday

Pierro: We have had a lot of rain,
and that makes Miles and me unproductive and sleepy
now we have sun so we can finally get some work done

Miles: I like to work really close to Pierro because he is my big brofurr

Pierro: Miles you are taking up all of the sunny patch!
How can I get something accomplished?

Sunshine makes Pierro and me really zzzzzzz

Happy bonk Friday, kitties
Miles: zzzzbronk

Don't try to be different.
Just be good!
To be good is different enough.

~Arthur Freed

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mancat Monday

Miles: Pierro and I are enjoying the Fall sunshine.
It is great to rest after doing house patrol in the morning.

Pierro: but we are always ready for action
you can bonk count on it!

"Understand this --
nothing you feel entitled to
is ever going to make you happy."

~Robert Brault