Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuxie Tuesday

Happy Happy Tuesday to all of you!

Yesterday we visited many blogs but we could not comment. Something was wrong there (a mean and annoying error message came up) and it made us sad. Once we got on to Parker's blog and actually left a comment and then it came up with a error message. Prinnie threw a fit and walked around the house screaming her little fuzzy head off. we will try to visit today but mommie has not been too helpful, she claims she has to assist Blizzie with her kollig packing and go with her to the peeple doctor to get glasses and contacts.
It is a dreary rainy day here... finally rain in Virginia.
That means... the birdie bath is full
I think I will eat and sleep excessively today!

Excess on occasion is exhilirating.
It prevents moderation
from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit.

~W. Somerset Maugham,

P.s.:: every day after you make a blog entry, be sure to Ping your blog at Blogrolling so we know that you have something new at your blog!


Lux said...

Rainy days are great for eating and sleeping! Enjoy yourselves ...

LZ said...

Yeah, its rainy and cold in NJ too. We do need the rain but its just too cold for August at 59 degrees.


Around Your Wrist said...

chilly here in seattle too. the golf course vacuum guy is out on the green drying things off for the players.

we're going to for excess on temptations...mom brought home two fresh bags last night! breaking out of the tiny handfull bed-time snack!


Jimmy Joe said...

It is cold and rainy here, too. Enjoy your eatin' and nappin' today! Looks like you're getting a good stretch in there before you start.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Meezers or Billy said...

eating and sleeping to excess. don't we do that efurry day?

we was getting an error message yesterday too trying to visit or comment.

Our blogroll on our page is from blogrolling but mommy got fed up with their inability to automatically update the new blog entries, so she switched to Spokeo, which is a feed reader. Now we just go to the Spokeo page and after we added all our friends, we can see ALL the new blog entries and even read them from the feed reader (but we can't comment from there).

DK & The Fluffies said...

We're having some toasty weather for us! Rain would be nice.

snowforest said...

Ya Blogger has been giving errors of late ~ hope it gets sorted out soon...

Anonymous said...

A lot of kitties have been having trouble with blogger lately. Luckily, I have not. Hopefully you get around to visiting everykitty.

The Crew said...

My, that pose makes your legs look very long. Are you feeling tall?

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi dear friends. I´m happy to be back.
Thank you for your lovely comment.
Yes I have today also problems to comment. Don´t know why..
We have a lot of rain here in Germany. Not good to go outside. In Italy we had better weather.
Hope you all are well.
Have a nice tue..wednesday :-) Sorry I´m late today.

MaoMao said...

Great big huggies to you and Prinnie, Caesar! I'm sorry Blogger was bein' mean. It's been acktin' up a lot lately I've noticed! I could comment but me and Marilyn were havin' some trubble uploadin' pickshures.

I hope you and Prinnie have a superduper day today!

Lots of purrs and snuggles from MaoMao.

Tyler said...

That's too bad that you two couldn't comment yesterday. It's good to see you over here though. Enjoy your rest. That's what I'm going back too. We're having an extra hot day and all I can do is think of sleeping again. Sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

Oh it gets so frustrating when you can't comment anywhere. I hate that!

You look like you have a good idea for the day. Now that it's almost over, did you get to do that?

Zoey and the furballs said...

It rained here too but now it's clear again, which means only one thing: Mud on the kitchen floor!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That's fine the systems problem, no one could be sure the web will be always ok.

I use Google Reading to know who is update the Article, usually visiting all my replyers, that is the simple part, using Google Reading is just made sure some I miss.

I am doing my nap today~! You look very comfy.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, Prinnie, don't have a fit! Owr blogs arn't going anyware! But I'll admit, I git more than just a littul upset win we have problims with the innernets!

The Furry Fighter said...

it's like winter here in London UK :(

Forty Paws said...

Uh, we dunt do blogrolling. We kaint ping it.

That wood be fun to see Prinnie throwing a fit. Will u vidyeeyo it nex tyme?

Luf, Us

Victor Tabbycat said...

That's too bad that you couldn't leaf comments! Fanks fur the reminder to Ping! Mom amost always does, but today she furgotted. Beans!
As fur rain, you can haf sum of ours.