Saturday, June 9, 2007

it is a lazy week-end

Well . . .
first of all, happy week-end kitties
. . .
here is the latest nooz here on the home front.

Caesar has been naughty for two days about receiving his subQ treatments (like wiggling the needle out, or only getting 25 ml and getting grumpy [never biting though, Caesar and I are sooo gentle always]).
However today... mommie was tired of his naughtyness, and after daddie and Blizzie went to the cook out in the pencilvainya place where Blizzie's friendie lives, she went up stairs and told Caesar "no games" and she gave him his 100 ml all by herself.
Now she is feeling very good about that.
retired nurses can be very persistent... and pushy (Caesar was very co-operative too. I think he knew that mommie meant business)

Other than that huge thing... the beans have been very busy around here.

The aim of life is self-development.
To realize one's nature perfectly -
that is what each of us is here for.

--Oscar Wilde


Around Your Wrist said...

hi prinnie! not around much these days. i still don't feel good and mama's eyes leak a lot. still, i wanted to say hi!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Caesar and Prinnie! I'm glad you're having a nice lazy weekend. Know I'm thinking about you two and purring for you, and I'm so glad you have a wonderful, no-nonsense Nurse Momma *smile*!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

MaoMao said...

Sounds like a good, quiet weekend, you two! And Caesar, I don't blame ya for gettin' wiggly, but your momma knows best, buddy!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Bravo for your mombean Prinnie! You look so cozy in the sunshiney window:)
Is Caesar pouting about the sticky mombean gave him all by herself?
Go tell him what a good boy he is and I am proud of him. If he needs a cheer up, come see my make over from Mary Kay:)
It might be good for a laugh out loud too for you!
Luf Miss Peach ...who is always thinking about her sweet sister Suz

Monica said...

Hi Princess. I'm glad that Caesar got his full treatment. Your mom is being very brave. I hope he gets used to it. Are you having to have treatments too?

Ali & Fiona said...

We don't blame you Caesar but you still need your medication so he can be a healty kitty.

Your Friends,
Ali & Fiona

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You look furry comfy! It's nice when weekends are "slow" and the beans can relax a bit, too.

I have a contest! Stop by and make a guess!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Maybe Caesar just wanted your mom all to himself so that's why he finally cooperated. When our older sister Precious had her treatments, it was quiet time just between Mom and her.


Zoey and the furballs said...

Good for your mommy to tell Caesar to be good getting his fluids. It's important and he obviously listened to her.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Thanks fo rthe is nice to have furrrrends stop over on a lazy saturday:)
I have my face all washed off because Monica said mencats should like me just the way I am.
Luf Peachy...thinkin about Suz

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I love your lazy weekend days basking in the sun...that's my favourite thing to do when it's nice and sunny outside!

Ingrid said...

It's a real sport to give a cat medication ! Only Arthur swallows everything when it's wrapped in raw meat ! I am back and my cats are very well Mr. Gattino fattened them during my absence !

Parker said...

God job Mommy! Those nursing skills really come in handy!

Daisy said...

Being feisty when getting the sub-q fluids is a good sign! Happy weekend to you Prinnie and Caesar.

JT said...

Thanks for the update, Princess. It does sound like Caesar is feeling better and I'm glad he got his full treatment today!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Prinnie, that's a beautiful picture of you lying in the sun. Thanks for the update on Caesar.

Caesar, I know you don't like being pricked, but try to endure it. We all want you to be around for many years to come!

The Furry Kids said...

Prinnie - you look so cute in the sun. Hope you had a great nap.

Caesar - Please just let your mom do what she needs to do. She's not doing it to be mean. She just wants to you feel better.


Anita said...

Hi! I'm glad that Caesar got his full treatment.

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsss and happy, lazy sunday

The Meezers or Billy said...

Caeser, we know that it can be a grumpy fing to get your fluids, but give your momma a break efurry now and then. Good job Mrs Caesers Momma!!!

snowforest said...

Caesar it's nice to know that you are getting the medication and are feeling comfy. Enjoy :)

Karen Jo said...

You look great lying in the sun, Prinnie. I'm glad that Caesar got his full treatment. Caesar, please try to cooperate with Mom. You will feel better after the treatment.